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Jim Allen

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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama -- Go Ahead Call me a BIRTHER.
6/29/2013 3:33:38 PM
Now the truth comes out. What do you think we should do about it?

Dems Admit Obama’s Not Eligible

Obama Official Portrait SC 752x1024 Dems Admit Obamas Not Eligible

Weary of defending in court the Constitutional eligibility of their man at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the Democrat Party has finally admitted Barack Obama is not qualified to be president of the United States– and that it doesn’t matter.

According to a motion filed by Party attorneys in a Tennessee eligibility lawsuit, “…Defendants [the Tennessee Democrat Party and the Democrat National Committee] assert that the Tennessee Democrat Party has the right to nominate whoever it chooses to run as a candidate, including someone who is not qualified for the office.”

In numerous previous lawsuits questioning the Constitutional eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama, Democrats have maintained that voters, not the Constitution, should be the final arbiters of presidential eligibility. Though a disgraceful assertion on its face, such mindless rambling was about all that desperate Democrat attorneys had in their arsenals, apart from the perpetually employed “plaintiffs lack standing” defense.

But now, the cat is out of the bag, and the true sentiments of Democrat Party officials have finally been aired. It seems that, according to the left, as long as the acting president has the requisite contempt for the United States, is willing to work tirelessly to destroy the national economy, and will ignore both the rule of law and his Constitutional duty to enforce it, he is eminently qualified to hold the country’s top job.

In February, Georgia Administrative Judge Michael Malihi ignored Supreme Court precedent, made a shambles of case law, and distorted the rulings of other courts in a pathetically obvious mission to find Barack Obama eligible for the Georgia presidential ballot. Although the first judge to decide an Obama eligibility case on the merits, his contempt for an honest judicial process certainly did nothing to mend the rapidly deteriorating reputation of the American legal system.

On Wednesday, United States District Judge S. Thomas Anderson joined a long list of robed colleagues, ruling that plaintiffs in the Tennessee case “lacked standing” to point out Obama’s Constitutional ineligibility for the presidency. That is, plaintiffs could not claim sufficient personal harm should the Manchurian Candidate remain in or be re-elected to the White House.

Strange how the law works. After 3 ½ years of cynical disregard for the borders, language, and culture of the United States, one would think that some 240 million people have suffered “sufficient personal harm” to claim legal standing for a crack at His Royal Highness in a court of law! There are only 30 million illegals currently residing in the United States, and those the Attorney General refers to as “his people” might actually lack legal standing in the eyes of an honest arbiter.

At any rate, Democrats have finally admitted what the rest of us have known for quite some time. Barack Obama is NOT qualified to hold the job won for him by the national media in 2008. But it seems only the voters will have the authority to reclaim it from him. God willing, the vast majority who exercise that authority in November will be both American and alive.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama -- Go Ahead Call me a BIRTHER.
6/29/2013 4:04:49 PM



Iron Mountain Video
This is an actual NASA document retrieved from NASA's website created July 2001 (PRE-9-11) that outlines how War HAS BEEN DECLARED AGAINST HUMANITY! Bare in mind the videos which clearly show NASA's Name ON MORGELLONS Samples!

With each upload we learn more about who "THEY" are! See the Morgellons US Patent video recently uploaded here for specifics including Names, Koelle, Seagraves and Hogness. We MUST BUILD THE CASE to EXPOSE this Crime in Process and ALERT all Americans to the Truth. We MUST find the right persons to file appropriate charges against ALL responsible PERSONS & Corporations & BRING THEM TO JUSTICE! If we FAIL, we do not have long, especially given this has been going on for well over 11 years.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama -- Go Ahead Call me a BIRTHER.
7/1/2013 7:33:54 PM

Lt. Col Allen West: The Time Draws Near to Teach This Usurper and Charlatan the Lesson Our Forefathers Taught King George III

This Facebook post by former Congressman Lt. Col Allen West is spreading across the web like wildfire!

If we only had elected Senators and Congressmen who had the same passion maybe we the people wouldn’t feel so threatened by this imperial regime. We do have a few standing up for us like Trey Gowdy, Louie Gohmert, Steve King, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee but what about the rest of them?

What will it take to get people off their butts, stop being Keyboard Patriots and start giving the left a dose of its own medicine? We need to be active and show the corrupt actions have consequences!

Progressives will probably throw a hissy fit over this and I hope they do! It’s about time we make them nervous and start sweating!

By Allen West Via Facebook
allen westThis week we’ll celebrate the 237th anniversary of our independence. But are we a free people? SCOTUS made an ill-conceived ruling believing the choice of sexual behavior should trump the peoples’s referendum. We are free to love anyone or anything we desire in America, but that does not correlate to rights beyond the unalienable ones Jefferson articulated 237 years ago. In California we have a state-funded grant for the Los Angeles Unified School District to abuse the concept of public education by turning public schools into indoctrination factories, forcing children to spout the joys of Obamacare. The district listed as a primary outcome for its project, “Teens trained to be messengers to family members.” Covered California spokeswoman Sarah Soto-Taylor said staff have not questioned this goal. She stated, “We have confidence that the model LA Unified brought to the table will be successful in reaching our target population, which includes family members of students.” LA Unified will also use tax-paid staff to promote ObamaCare through phone calls to students’ homes, in-class presentations, and meetings with employees eligible for ObamaCare’s taxpayer-covered healthcare, the grant award says. Obama said he would fundamentally transform America. The time draws near to teach this usurper and charlatan the lesson our forefathers taught King George III. We will not be ruled by arrogance and edict.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama -- Go Ahead Call me a BIRTHER.
7/4/2013 3:08:51 PM
President 0bama the #Usurper and #Chief has declared #War on Patriots!

This an an unbelievable #Revelation from a man elected to represent us ALL!

He has called anyone that celebrates the Constitution and Our #Independence as #Domestic #Terrorists.

It is time to #UNITE against this #Divider!

What our "leader" said yesterday, while at a function in Tanzania:

“The conservative era of the U.S. has ended.

There is a new wind of change and hope for all Americans as we work
to build a strong economy and a stronger nation.

Americans want this change,

Americans want what’s best for the country and my administration has

been very receptive to listening to their ideas and needs,” the President said.

AP reporter Ramona Darlington, who attended the conference

asked President Obama to explain what the profile of

an American domestic terrorists is?

Obama responded by saying,

“Typically domestic terrorists in the U.S. are people who cling
to obsolete beliefs from the time of the American Revolution.

They are conservative Christians, reactionary Republicans
and conspiracy theorists many of whom belong to racist hate groups.”

Tea Partiers commonly own guns and stock up ammunition and food in anticipation of starting another civil war to overthrow the will of the governing body who represent all of the American people.

We are prepared for any contingency and don’t expect to see any kind
of large insurrection.

Americans are capitalists who are much more interested in seeing America move forward.

These terrorists groups are small in size and really present little danger,” the President added.

This is NOT an American President IMHO.

There is enough proof out there that shows he

should not be holding this office.

Egypt has set the Proper Example

It's coming if he continues to Divide this country and

its people.

Are we Domestic Terrorists because we believe in what made this country great?

#Patriots are #Domestic #terrorists

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama -- Go Ahead Call me a BIRTHER.
7/4/2013 3:09:55 PM

0bama threatens to send US military to Egypt!!!!!!!

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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