This an an unbelievable #Revelation from a man elected to represent us ALL!
He has called anyone that celebrates the Constitution and Our #Independence as #Domestic #Terrorists.
It is time to #UNITE against this #Divider!
What our "leader" said yesterday, while at a function in Tanzania:
There is a new wind of change and hope for all Americans as we work
to build a strong economy and a stronger nation.
Americans want this change,
Americans want what’s best for the country and my administration has
been very receptive to listening to their ideas and needs,” the President said.
AP reporter Ramona Darlington, who attended the conference
asked President Obama to explain what the profile of
an American domestic terrorists is?
Obama responded by saying,
“Typically domestic terrorists in the U.S. are people who cling
to obsolete beliefs from the time of the American Revolution.
They are conservative Christians, reactionary Republicans
and conspiracy theorists many of whom belong to racist hate groups.”
“Tea Partiers commonly own guns and stock up ammunition and food in anticipation of starting another civil war to overthrow the will of the governing body who represent all of the American people.
We are prepared for any contingency and don’t expect to see any kind
of large insurrection.
Americans are capitalists who are much more interested in seeing America move forward.
These terrorists groups are small in size and really present little danger,” the President added.
This is NOT an American President IMHO.
There is enough proof out there that shows he
should not be holding this office.
Egypt has set the Proper Example
It's coming if he continues to Divide this country and
its people.
Are we Domestic Terrorists because we believe in what made this country great?
#Patriots are #Domestic #terrorists