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Peter Fogel

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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
4/19/2012 5:23:29 PM
Hi Jim,

When I read the arguments of B Husein's attorney I was stunned with the audacity of the claim they are making and worse that the judge agreed. Corruption in the courts isn't anything new but this is more like science fiction then reality. We all knew it was a forged document from day one. The only people who accepted it were the Dems and deaf, dumb and blind + the MSM who stopped dealing with facts and truths and deal only with the fiction they manufacture.

It's a shame with Marco Rubio but I've been saying he's ineligible from the day his name was mentioned as a possible Presidential candidate or VP. It's unfortunate cos he would be an exceptional candidate for the VP. Shame but you can't deny the sad fact that his parents weren't US citizens when he was born. There's no way around that and I for one would be very disappointed if he "caved" in and agreed to join the Romney ticket. BTW, Gov. Jindall is in a similar situation.



Careful what you wish for or defend the Constitution, no matter what? I say no matter what defend and amend our Constitution per the Constitution as our founders were endowed with great knowledge and foresight. Either you is natural born or you ain't, it doesn't matter who you are, if you ain't you can't.

Monday, April 16, 2012


NO HYPOCRISY: Until corrupt power brokers within the U.S. government are forced by the American people to engage the presidential eligibility question with maturity and responsibility to their sworn oath to protect the Constitution, more and more highly regarded candidates, like Marco Rubio, are going to find themselves embattled and undermined by doubts about their Constitutional legitimacy.

Commentary by Pen Johannson
Editor, The DAILY PEN

NEW YORK, NY - Marco Rubio, like Barack Obama, has been declared ineligible to hold the office of the U.S. Presidency or Vice President by the U.S. Constitution...and Senate Resolution 511.

In 2008, congress put itself in a no-win situation by inadequately defining "natural born" eligibility, for mere political expediency when, in an effort to distract attention away from Barack Obama's lack of eligibility, they haphazardly passed an eligibility resolution (SR 511) on behalf of John McCain, after reviewing historical documentation submitted by McCain, which declared him eligible for the 2008 Presidential election, despite his birth in Panama.

The resolution endowed McCain with non-legally binding, congressionally recognized, eligibility by virtue of his birth to two citizen parents while his father was serving in the U.S. military. A qualification which neither Rubio, nor Obama, currently meet.

Congress and the Judiciary have refused to address Obama's ineligibility in any way whatsoever.

Moreover, even more significant is that nearly 10 percent of the American people have said they will refuse to vote for any vice presidential candidate, and thus the presidential candidate, if that individual is not eligible by their definition of a natural born citizen. Fortunately for America, these constitutionalists are mostly conservative. Unfortunately for Republican politicians, this extrapolates to about 20% of the Republican party which will need those votes to oust the usurper Obama by an election process.

Without those critical votes, a Romney/Rubio GOP ticket will most certainly bring ALL republicans, not just the courageous, to suddenly care about the so-called "birther" movement and the legal process they have pursued in seeking a definitive declaration to the meaning of the term "natural born citizen". The risk of losing an election by default suddenly makes Obama's eligibility a matter for legal resolution, not political resolution.

Then again, the restoration of honor and truth begins with the honorable.

It's ironic how the threat of removing political power from politicians suddenly makes them scurry to the courts for a remedy. On the positive side, there will be millions of eligibility seekers ready to welcome them on the courthouse steps. Welcome to the party!

Republicans must understand that eligibility-conscious voters simply will not support Marco Rubio as a running mate, regardless of his popularity, unless change is made to the Constitution by a legal process. They will abstain from the next election as a matter of honor and principle to uphold the blood ransom paid for the Constitution. End of discussion.

Ergo, Barack Obama, already the unconstitutional incumbent, will be fraudulently elected again by default because his constituency has no honor for the Constitution anyway, causing what many political analysts have called an apocalyptic rebellion.

Regardless, those who have sworn to uphold the eligibility mandate for ALL presidential candidates will not participate in a fraudulent election wrought with deceivers, liars and ineligible candidates. They would rather take their chances in revolution than be served by an illegitimate government and shamed party affiliation.

Unable to endow Barack Obama with unanimous legitimacy over this same issue, the political species, and their American media letches, are being forced to understand that leadership eligibility, qualified by advanced human citizenship, can only be achieved when political candidates are measured equally by the same laws which apply to everyone under the Constitution.

Refusal to acknowledge this moral and legal deficit is breeding a contemptuous, but potently righteous, generation of extremely powerful and highly adept anti-governmental citizens. History has proven, time after time, that even the most powerful governments in the world have been defeated under the revolutionary power of vintage American heritage when they have strayed from the rule of law by the people, for the people.

As our current government continues to stray from its requisite purpose to uphold and protect the Constitution, it is drawing dangerously close to incitement of a meted resistance.

Whereas political interests and power lust will always push against the morality of our esteemed bureaucratic slew, forcing many of the inferior slag into criminality, the Constitution was brilliantly and purposely composed with divinely inspired language to be the inescapable silent authority which convicts their lawlessness.

The Constitution is forever correct...but amendable.

That being said, its time for someone to submit a multipartisan bill to amend the Constitution so exceptional leaders like Marco Rubio can run for president.

In the same unconstitutional posture by which Barack Obama was lauded by his misguided Democratic constituency, the willfully ignorant Republicans have their popularity contestant in Rubio. Rubio is one of the most well regarded members of Congress while Obama has served his liberal consensus as one of its most beloved radical change agents in American history.

Unfortunately, however, both men are currently constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of the president or vice president under Article II of the eligibility mandate.

Unfortunately for Obama, the Constitution was not revised on his behalf prior to his fraudulent election in 2008 rendering him America’s first unconstitutional president.

As reported by WND this week, the Florida Senator Rubio has been heavily favored as a potential Republican vice presidential candidate. However, a document recently found in the National Archives indicates that Rubio is actually constitutionally ineligible to serve as president or vice president.

It appears that Rubio’s father, Mario Rubio filed a Petition for Naturalization in September of 1975, confirming that Marco Rubio was around four years old when his parents became U.S. citizens.

Since Marco Rubio was born in Florida in 1971, four years prior to the filing of the Petition, this would mean that he was not born to two U.S. citizen parents as required under the legal definition of a “natural born citizen” to be eligible for the nation’s highest executive office.


In passing SR 511 for such despicable reasons as providing political cover for Obama, the Senate undermined the American electoral system and attempted to disregard the Constitution's requirement that a candidate must be born in the U.S. while acknowledging that it required birth to two U.S. citizen parents, a declaration which astonishingly and hypocritically disqualifies Barack Obama.

Therefore, declaring Rubio eligible by a similar resolution, like SR 511, would require Congress to undo its previous definition of eligibility by U.S. citizen parentage, as it applied for McCain, in order to endow place of birth on U.S. soil as the only eligibility requirement for Rubio, since his parents were not U.S. citizens at the time of his birth.

Such a despicable and blatently political hypocrisy would be the end game for an already highly unfavored congress whose disapproval rating is around 80 percent!

This same issue has undermined Barack Obama since before the 2008 election when his credentials and identity were first questioned by staunch Hillary Clinton PUMA supporters. Soon thereafter, multiple court challenges to Obama’s claims to presidential eligibility have ensued. Most have been unlawfully dismissed by a cowardice judicial system without consideration of the evidence because it is easier for foul purveyors in our legal system to ignore the greivances of the people than the violent usurpation of Constitutional power by the politically ambitious.

Obama claims to have been born in Hawaii in 1961, but the image of his alleged original Certificate of Live Birth which was posted on the White House in April 2011 has been determined by multiple document experts as well as a six-month law enforcement investigation to be a digitally fabricated counterfeit. The document shows multiple inconsistencies and anomalies, including extraneous graphic artifacts and misspellings which do not appear on any other Hawaiian vital record. Digital forensic analysis reveals a cut-and-paste composition from other document sources, as well.

Despite the forgery, however, if Obama could even document a Hawaii birth, he still would not qualify as a “natural born citizen” of the United States since he was not born of two U.S. citizen parents. Obama’s alleged father, as stated on the fake Certificate as well as documented worldwide in the press, was not a U.S. citizen at the time of Obama’s birth.

Compounding the controversy over modern interpretations over presidential eligibility is the fact that modern American society lacks the intellectual acuity to assign accurate meaning to the Constitutional term "natural born citizen" because most lack an understanding of our vintage American heritage and the blood ransom paid to obtain it.

The term "natural-born citizen" was such a common part of social and legal language of the 1700s it renders today's Americans ignorant to the fact that a clarification within the Constitution was seen by the more intellectually adept framers as unnecessary. For them, such a remedial explanation of the meaning of "natural born" would have been on par with demonstrating basic arithmetic to a mathematical genius.

A "naturally born" eligible presidential candidate is one who is born in a geographic location (U.S. soil) under the protection of the U.S. Constitution to TWO U.S. citizen parents without any interruption of their natural-born citizenship status occurring between birth and election.
Peter Fogel
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Jim Allen

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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
4/21/2012 1:17:24 AM
Bringing America Back: Are Infrastructure Jobs Being Shipped to China?

Rebuilding America's crumbling infrastructure is a growing priority, with President Obama highlighting construction jobs as part of his $447 billion jobs plan.

The president visited the "functionally obsolete" Brent Spence Bridge in Ohio Thursday and called on lawmakers to do their part in fixing America's infrastructure.

"Mr. Boehner, Mr. McConnell, help us rebuild this bridge," he said in a speech. "Help us rebuild America. Help us put this country back to work."

In New York there is a $400 million renovation project on the Alexander Hamilton Bridge.

In California, there is a $7.2 billion project to rebuild the Bay Bridge connecting San Francisco and Oakland.

In Alaska, there is a proposal for a $190 million bridge project.

These projects sound like steps in the right direction, but much of the work is going to Chinese government-owned firms.

"When we subsidize jobs in China, we're not creating any wealth in the United States," said Scott Paul, executive director for the Alliance for American Manufacturing.

The renovation of the Alexander Hamilton Bridge in New York is being overseen by China Construction America, a subsidiary of the China State Construction Engineering Corporation. The company uses mostly U.S. labor, but many coveted skill jobs such as engineering and design work are Chinese. The profits will also go overseas.

In Alaska, they are set to spend millions on foreign materials for the Tanana River Bridge Crossing and would largely fabricate the bridge overseas. Iron union workers took to the airwaves to express their outrage in seeing jobs go abroad.

Bringing America Back Wants You Watch Video
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"This is not the time to send more jobs to China," said the Alaska Iron Workers in a radio advertisement. "Our tax dollars will provide hundreds of jobs there, not at home."

U.S. law does requires major infrastructure projects to give American companies preferential treatment under Buy America, but companies can opt out and choose a foreign company if there is a significant cost differential. In the Alaska case, officials contend that even with laws that favor domestic companies, the difference in cost was still too high.

The state of California rejected federal funding for a major portion of the Bay Bridge in order to go with a Chinese company that offered the lowest bid. The move cost Americans almost 3,000 jobs -- jobs that cost the struggling California economy millions of dollars in wages, taxes and potential consumer spending.

"Had we invested that money here in California, it would have had a multiplying effect because it would not only have given thousands of Californians jobs but also the subsequent spending would have been reinvested in our economy," said California assemblyman Luis Alejo.

An official from the California Department of Transportation defended the decision to go with a Chinese company, saying that most of the bridge is being made in America, and that U.S. companies could not have done the work that was contracted abroad on time.

"One issue that you will consistently hear every time you go to a fabrication site in this country is that they struggle at this point in time to obtain welders," said Tony Anziano, a Caltrans official. "There's not sort of the educational support and the community support to pursue that trade at the level at which people used to do it. That is an issue in this country."

U.S. firms said that, had they been given enough time, they could have put together a successful bid. They added that Chinese firms have the advantage of being state-subsidized. And they warned that hiring abroad today, for any reason, will hurt the country tomorrow.

"Even though we may be saving a couple of pennies now," said Paul, of the Alliance for American Manufacturing, "the cost to our country down the road is going to outweigh that, and we're short changing the future."

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
4/21/2012 6:48:47 PM
Another great site where the truth is coming out. We need to get this handled before the election folks. No More ZerObama please!

I sure wish Bogdan would give us back the site/forum post search here at ALP. Just a thought.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
4/21/2012 7:24:36 PM
Our numbers seem to be growing or there are those of his inner-circle no longer cleaning the net for him, or maybe not another site for truth.

Another great site where the truth is coming out. We need to get this handled before the election folks. No More ZerObama please!

I sure wish Bogdan would give us back the site/forum post search here at ALP. Just a thought.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
4/22/2012 1:19:44 AM
The TRUTH and Nothing but the TRUTH against the BIG ZERO! Discern do your due diligence then WAKE THE H_ELL UP!!

John C. Drew, Ph.D., is a former Marxist-Leninist who met Barack Obama when he was a sophomore at Occidental College in California.
Drew spent an evening with Obama and a group of Marxist-Leninist friends at a restaurant where they discussed politics and Communist revolution.

Drew had graduated from Occidental and was doing graduate work at Cornell University when he returned to visit friends at Occidental.
Dr. Drew was still a Marxist-Leninist at the time he debated Communism with Obama and his friends. Drew had grown disillusioned with the idea that violent revolution could come to industrialized societies, but Obama disagreed.

According to Drew, “He [Obama] was arguing a straightforward Marxist-Leninist class-struggle point of view, which anticipated that there would be a revolution of the working class, led by revolutionaries, who would overthrow the capitalist system and institute a new socialist government that would redistribute the wealth.”

Drew notes that Obama arrived at the dinner party with his patron, a wealthy Pakistani Muslim named Mohammed Hasan Chandoo. They roomed together in Chandoo’s house and arrived in a BMW.

Obama rejected Drew’s analysis of a Marxist revolution in America: “He was pretty persistent, that I didn’t know what I was talking about.”
Drew saw Obama once again at a party that Obama and Chandoo gave at their house in June 1981. (Drew has long since rejected Marxism.)

In his autobiography, “Dreams From My Father,” Obama says this: “To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets.”

Drew points out that “What he’s not saying is that he was in 100 percent total agreement with those Marxist professors. When you understand that, Obama’s later associations and policies make more sense, including why he was taken in by Rev. Wright’s ideology.”
Dr. Drew was interviewed on a radio talk show recently and spent an hour describing Obama’s Marxist-Leninist beliefs and his career path that was helped by known Marxists in Chicago.

One of Obama’s college professors at Occidental was a socialist and they remain good friends to this day.Groomed To Serve Marx/Lenin
As more and more information is uncovered about Obama’s childhood and his path into politics and power, it is evident that he was mentored and helped along the way by Islamists and by hard-core Marxists.

His own mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, had embraced Marxist ideology as a high school student in Washington state. She had been taught by Marxist teachers and was a proud atheist.

In Hawaii, he lived with his grandfather and grandmother while his mother stayed in Indonesia doing anthropological work. His grandfather introduced teenage Obama to Frank Marshall Davis, a black Communist, as a mentor. Davis had come out of the radical black Marxist movement in Chicago, which began flourishing during the 1930s.

According to John Drew, the Marxist-Leninists he attended school with at Occidental all either went into college professorships or became community organizers. Drew became a college professor; Obama became a community organizer and later a college professor.

Obama’s entrance into Harvard Law School was aided by two radical Marxist-Black Muslims. One of these men was Khalid al-Mansour, who has served as an advisor to a Saudi billionaire. (Mansour’s real name is Don Warden.) Al-Mansour was a mentor of Black Panther Party members Huey Newton and Bobby Seale, both criminals.

The other man who helped Obama get into Harvard was Percy Sutton, who was a lawyer for Black Muslim Malcolm X.

Obama’s spiritual advisor for 20 years was Pastor Jeremiah Wright, a Black Liberation theology advocate. Black Liberation theology is based on the Marxist ideology proposed by black racist Professor James Cone.

Obama’s political career was launched in Chicago with the help of Alice Palmer, a state senator who was also known to be a hard-core Communist.

Obama’s campaign for the U.S. Senate was started in the home of Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, both violent founders of the Weather Underground.

Ayers had been involved in bombing a New York City police department, Capitol Building and the Pentagon in the 1970s.
In summary, from the very beginning of his life, Barack Obama has been imbued with Marxist thinking – from his mother, Frank Marshall Davis, his college professor at Occidental, and his Pastor Jeremiah Wright.

In addition, his path to political power was greased by black and white Communists and anti-white Black Muslims.

All along the way, Barack Obama’s career has been on a trajectory to political power aided by the sworn enemies of the United States. He owes his existence to his Marxist-Leninist patrons and he is paying them back as President of the United States.

Every policy he is pursuing is designed to destroy capitalism, undermine traditional morality, and weaken the United States militarily and diplomatically. President Obama’s policies and personnel must be politically quarantined and rendered ineffective before he succeeds in his agenda.

If America re-elects him after all we now know about this Pretender-In-Chief and his stated (admitted) intentions, it will tell us far more about current day America than we may ever manage to learn about Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Hussein Obama II, Barak Obama, Batock Obama, Barok Obama, Barrack Obama, Barry Soetoro or whatever his real name is .

In the meantime, ask yourself this: Where are all the Woodward and Bernstein wannabes?...because the truth behind this nightmare come to life, would make Watergate look like a lemonade stand robbery by a seven year old with a squirt gun

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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