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Re: Please update Me
10/8/2008 4:42:04 AM
Hello Shelly

I'm so happy to see you after so loooong :-)


Seems its Come Back time as I see here so many "old and dear" friends ... :-D
Meanwhile, I also was away for some time; my kids are grown-ups by now: my daughter graduated and my son is following her steps and studying Law; so after two chemical engineers (completely useless LOL) our family is en reaching with two lawyers or law-people - hopefully working in the field one way or another!

The best part of all is that we all are healthy and managing rather well our lifes!

Hugs with friendship,

Flag of John Partington

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Re: Please update Me
10/8/2008 6:30:47 AM

Hi Shelly,

Its nice to see you back online, I don't have much to report appart from the fact that I lost a lot of my sites due to a hacker!

Other than that its a different day but same shit.

Best Wishes


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Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Please update Me
10/8/2008 11:07:57 AM

Hello Shelly,

Nice to have you back. It has been a very long time. Hope all is well with you and your family.

As you can tell Adlandpro is not the same as it was before you left.

Many have left and many things have transpired while you have been gone.

I now run 3 communitys

I am Admin at lazzeo and bizpreneur and I am the creator of lazzeosangel.neeetz

I also am helping other companys by being there promoter and also am now working as a IRS approved Rep doing work for them in my city and also working for other companys in my city.

I am still very active and AD Executive for the Win Network program that pays me good every month.

So having a very busy life on line and off line is very challenging for me.

Its been an amazing journey for me over the last 3 years since being online. I have an amazing life now because I never quit, never gave up and always believed in myself.

It is very nice to see you back again.


Kathy Hamilton/simikathy

skype me- simikathy

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Flag of Shelly Hargis

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Re: Please update Me
10/8/2008 5:31:25 PM

Hi Dearest Jeffrey,

I am so sorry to hear about everything that has happened. I cannot believe this has happened to you and Donna and if I am reading this right, Lisa. Please let me know how Lisa and Donna is if you know how to reach them. I feel like I abandoned my friends when they needed me most. I am so happy to hear from you though. I have missed you and my other friends dearly. I pray that everything will be alright for you and the rest. Please stay in touch and if you ever need to talk, just send me an email.

Big Hugs to you my friend,

Shelly Hargis


Flag of Shelly Hargis

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Re: Please update Me
10/8/2008 5:37:36 PM

Hi Rinna,

Thanks so much for stopping by my forum. I can tell that you are a Good person just from what I have seen from you so far. Also,


I Hope that you have a wonderful Birthday and please stop by anytime. :) :)

Your New Friend,

Shelly Hargis


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