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Flag of Shelly Hargis

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Re: Please update Me
10/7/2008 10:35:08 PM

Hi Donna. It is so Great to hear from you again. I have really missed you and everyone. You have always made me feel so welcome. Thank you for that. Thanks so much for your warm welcome and I hope we can stay in touch. :)

Your Friend,

Shelly Hargis

Flag of Shelly Hargis

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Re: Please update Me
10/7/2008 10:41:17 PM

Hi Marion. One of the Sweetest friends on Adlandpro. Thank you so much for stopping by. I sure hope your buisness is doing well. It sounds like it and you deserve it. Thanks so much for your prayers. I know God has a plan for everyone and even though my health is not the best, it could be worse, so I Thank God every day for what I do have, especially my family. That is the Biggest Blessing of All. :)  Please stay in touch and I do hope to talk to you again soon.

Your Friend,

Shelly Hargis

Flag of Jeffrey Obrien

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Re: Please update Me
10/7/2008 11:01:39 PM
Hi Shelly, So very very nice to hear from you.I miss you and all my friends there at adland.I have been through some real tough times of late,now over I hope as I lost everything from an online scammer,yes he was a SO CALLED FRIEND,I soon found him emptying my paypal,bank accounts,as well he even used my identity in USA for Visa,Mastercards and get this he claims to be an AUTHOR at LULU.COM his name is of course DANNY RAY RUSSELL and I wont tell you who he was living with as SHE is still my very dear friend and he took her to the cleaners also as she lost her home,money,retirement funds everything. I myself have tried by getting a Paid Job with TELSTRA BIGPOND INTERNET as an ONLINE OPERATOR helping people get connected and anything wrong with their accounts etc.It pays the bills and leaves Just a wee bit left over for banking it will take me about another 5-10 years to get back to where I was financially then I will retire quietly.I am sorry if you all find this a bit distressing but my friends BE VERY CAREFUL ONLINE even in adland.I do wish to add that this was NOT caused by anyone associated there however this persons partner was and still is a member I think,I really want you all to really take in Just what can and DID HAPPEN TO ME as well Donna Lira,whoops I slipped yes my friends her partner ripped her then me off the charts. Donna now resides in Salina Kansas and I still live here in Sydney Australia,I had booked to go visit Donna Lira in USA however it never happened as I had to cancel my tickets Just to eat and pay my bills.I did a collection for Donna and she has Just had surgery on her hand with another due soon. I am still "FULLTIME" care giver to my beautiful Ill Mother and she is now down to six stone on old scales,she is so Ill I do my best daily as she sometimes calls me terry,or Steven my brother's names and she is taking her pain killers with some Closet drinking. Enough of me,How about you and your family how are things going,last time we spoke you were also having tough times as we all do.I am concerned for my friend Trina L.C. Sonnenberg and I am going to spend a full week advertising for her and Jeffrey her Husband as the FINANCIAL NYSE CRASH is going to cause them to maybe loose their home and if I can help them NOT TO LOOSE IT then my part in being her friend is complete,I also would do this for any of my friends however the horrible things that occurred to Donna Lee Lira and myself have made me very cautious with who my friends are and their backgrounds.I trust everything said to me from friends as we all most probably do in same ways however I cannot JUDGE them all on ONE BAD FRIEND can I sweetie I must forgive and try and forget it by putting it all behind me. Well thats about it for the past year and half Shelly,with that please stay in touch my emails are God Bless you and your family as well especially all my friends I miss you all very much and try to come here at least once a day or week whatever time allows. Until next we pass in communication respectfully as always Jeffrey O'Brien
Flag of Rinna Rani

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Re: Please update Me
10/7/2008 11:10:05 PM
Hi Shelly sweety,
Thanks for the invitation.  As we are just new found friends, well my name is Rinna.  I am 28 years old (short of a day) and am from Penang, Malaysia.  I have been in the online business for 6 years and am still going strong offline and online.  Below is what I am currently venturing into for the past 1 + year:








 R E V I V E | R E C H A R G E | R E N E W



With AMEGA PARTNERS, we apply AMized TM Fusion Technology with Fractal Attractor System to provide complementary therapies and management to promote natural cell rejuvenation by reviving, recharging and renewing to attain and maintain youthfulness

As for me, the past few months have been trying months, but I came out of it stronger.  Thanks to support from great friends.

I am glad that you are back.  Enjoy your time here!



Re: Please update Me
10/8/2008 3:33:50 AM
Hi Shelly :)
When I say the personal message from Shelly H. I was like, surely not, I haven't heard from her in so long!  But, it was, it was YOU!!  :)  And I was so glad!  I have moved to Jacksonville, FL.  I have a new band called DrowningBetty and headin' to Orlando off and on through Christmas to record with Creed's producer, Jay Stanley.  You can catch up with some new songs (that are actually older now and not the one's well be putting on the album) at 
Hope you are doing well and would like to hear from you again soon! 
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