Hello Anthony,
thank you for bringing this to light.It is a personal attack mate on all adlandpro members alike. and it has been happening to me for five weeks on a daily basis.
I have complained to admin and this attack has been a matter of security as the people concerned are using many different profiles.
Members I am not going to publically name names here as I would be arrested for a crime of defamation and at this stage I really don't want that.
For those that have had similar noticed problems and attacks I want to tell you to make it PUBLIC we need to hear about it. on visits to this persons different profiles and websites,now William Nabaza has been used also they most probably have the exact same trojans and spyware and malaware we all have these problems however when the people are using this to steal ID's and bank details,medical details what ever they can use to milk the financial industry and our pockets.
I say let's get rid of the problem completly.I have various bits of information and full history of these people.I am right on their tails and would just love to get them back legally.
I have sent a trusted leader of adlandpro my personal complaints and certian details leading right to all of this as if it was a road map. and it was to protect both myself and all of you members.
Thanks Anthony I have had this problem far too long and wow they get control they really kick ars* I am not Joking here mate there Good for criminals..they know their stuff better than some of us here and we need to take a stand together and we shall be free of these types of people.Please email me at jeffrow@optusnet.com.au
Have a great day Anthony and members.
Jeffrey OBrien
adlandpro.com community Gold member and proud to be associated with them 114374
Pressmania.com proud affiliate 114374