Dear Ana Maria, your “copy-paste” dissertation enlightened
me. I was always puzzled why I like so much to stay at home and why my daughter is so eager to “run away”
from us, now I KNOW. Our home is full of “homegrown laughter” (which by the way
is very dangerous and addictive), that’s why my husband changed his workplace,
I am still skinny and my daughter is afraid that it may affect her young mind.
Dear B. B., I’m so sad …… the giraffe is not
chasing the dog because it`s brown (not GREEN) and brown grass is not tasty. The car can’t even look at the dog, say’s that
the tires are in big danger. SO ……..…… no applause!
Dear Geketa, I’m just not sure I want to taste
that soup, even if LOVE is added (sorry Peter, did you say “EVOL”, my mistake).