Dearest Dimitra!
I am laughing so hard! This graphics is amazing.

OMG!!! First Branka, and now you! I thank the both of you for making such a fun from this serious and not too much likable theme.
Remember Dimi, TODAY EXISTS ONLY ONE SCIENCE : Marketing!!!! As M. Kundera said : it is really a gray eminence of this world!
I came to understanding a Medicine as a tool of Marketing :( ... So, so sad. But obvious.
Dimi, practicing those pauses of eating and drinking as they are scheduled, you will improve your health, and same time YOU WILL BE ABLE EAT AND DRINK ALL WHAT YOU WANT, AS MUCH AS YOU WISH!!!! So, loss weight is not only purpose of this diet, but GETTING A FULL BALANCE OF OUR METABOLISM. And when metabolism is regular ... where can a disease come from?
Thanks for your nice and smart words.
Have a blessed weekend!