I am very happy to see you here.
Over 10 years ago, my cousin Branka tried to explain me her insight about Pineal gland as a centar for body selfrecovering.
I must admit that medical doctors suffers due a very subtle, but intensive vanity.
I already was sure she is insane 100 % ... Things about which she tried to teach me ... I couldn`t find anywhere .... and she found them in her deep silence, called meditation. Then something, for me in that moment fascinting, has occured.
I found a scientistic work, published for the first time EVER a month before I got it in my hands, speaking of missuse of enthropia in creating the collective mind .... (It was in English, but don`t remember the title.)
I THOUGHT I SHOULD DIE FROM FEAR. In that scientistic work I found all about what she was speaking 3-4 years ago, and was sure she didn`t have chance to read it anywhere .... than in her deep silence.
From that time, I take all her words as a very serious and worth to be studied. And beside she is the most sane person I have ever met, her level of education is not easy to find so often.
So, the Pineal gland is something on which I work now. In some, more spiriritual researches, this gland is considered as responsible for our wishes.
In the Book of Revalation, known also as Apocalypse ... we have one part speaking about human wishes as anathemised by Lord. I tried but didn`t find translation for this, and was free to translate myself, with hope you will guess on which part I refer here:
... And fruitition of your soul`s wishes will leave you, and all what is good and pleasant will leave you and you will never find it again ...
After Branka has directed my attention to this verse, I really started looking at things as a doctor who anticipate an "idea" (things first created in mind and spirit) older than consequences . This past time all medical science is changing start points of view, coming to a realization that human mind is more powerful/responsible for our health, than we already have learned and considered.
To not to speak too much off other points, interesting for mu research, just wished to relate to your first sentence, Val :
" I have been Spiritually lead to your forum."
Our minds are already ready to be just normal and to take care about ourselves :) .
I am happy Val to see you already have had an idea that "there had to be a natural way to speed up metabolism" . The results a different from each to other. Some start losing weigth faster .... with some others it takes a little more time. But we have to be stubborn and results will not miss. I will practice this my entire life.
It is easy. Costs nothing. Helps a lot!

Love & Hugs & Blessings,