Hi Sandy,
I think we all have some pretty Good Friends here. You hit the ground running and I admire that and I also agree with Evelyn that it's no longer just a Democrat/Republican thing, it's a Battle for the very survival of the Country we love and of the Christian Values upon which that Country was founded.
A few more examples...
Obama not only supports Abortion on Demand, he supports Infanticide (Murder of a Live Baby), something that even the Devil with the Red Dress On, Nancy Pelosi, couldn't bring herself to support...
My Bible tells me that God created Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve, yet Obama offers full support for Gay Marriage...
Finally, if you are a Christian, prepare to practice your Religion underground, or maybe even get the Caves ready, as the Christians had to use in Roman times...
Is that enough for any who may still have doubts? Are there any questions?
From time to time I may come across as too intense. I've found a couple of ways to relax over at MiniClip Games...
For a really cool Strategy Game, Click
. I especially like Senator McCain's "Scathing Attack" and his Operative's "Distort" move. I think you'll understand why I like it so much.
To really vent, you might want to Click
. The "Old Maverick" does pretty well for himself.
Any time it gets too intense, I hope these help .
Have An Awesome week,