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Re: BlogNet Awards - Nominations extended just 1 more day!
9/17/2008 4:22:26 PM

Gosh Judy!
Why would you stop at just one? there are so many!
First you have to be registered to vote or comment.

There are a little row of stars just below each nomination. If you're on the front need to click through...either to the category or to the post itself. When you're in the right'll see the 5 stars (we will have a 10 start ranking system very soon)
Just select the rating level and make a comment.
I suggest making the comment, because that's where you get the MOST benefit.
When you comment you are allowed to leave a link to whatever you wish to promote (preferably your own blog..but it can be anything legal).
If you go right to the blog you are voting for (clicking the picture on the post or the hyperlink in the description will take you there) and make a comment there as get DOUBLE the linking benefit.

Plus of course you earn yourself extra credits in the cash contests!

So vote and comment like crazy! It pays off in more ways than one!

(if you're still having can always get with Diane or myself later and we will walk you through it)

Tim Southernwood/Get eH² Packs!/BlogNet Awards We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle
Flag of Diane Bjorling

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Re: BlogNet Awards - Nominations extended just 1 more day!
9/17/2008 6:37:16 PM
Dear Judy

I am glad you have found some great blogs that you want to vote and comment on...way to go  :-)

Before I tell you how to use the site...I just wanted to pass on to make a point of watching the video that some very fantastic people did for us...

Here is how to use the site:

1. Register.  The reason for this is, this is how we track everyone's comments and votes.
                   You can find the registration form here.....   REGISTRATION FORM
                   - you will be asked for a username, email address and password.
                     (note: you do not have to confirm.  this is for our records and  for                       your  records as well.

2. Login.    Use the  username and password you  selected.

3.  There are two ways to vote and comment on any blog:

   a) you can go through the "browse Categories"  when you click on it, a drop down box will appear with all the Best Category blogs, just scroll down to one
       that might be of interest to you,  Click on the Category name and all the blogs nominated for that category will appear.
   b)  scroll down the page and if you see one that you like, then click on either the name of the blog or on "Vote Best Blog"

4.  When you have selected a blog, a new window will open.  On that page you will see a screen shot of the persons blog, a short description of their blog site, the voting stars as well as the comment box. When you click on their blog image or on the live link that is included in every review of a persons blog site, a new window will open to their blog, but you still have access to where to vote and comment.   We always say, please visit the blogger and their blog, see what they have to say, what you like etc. ( a hint for you, when you take the time to make a comment on their are also giving your business extra exposure and it is just a nice thing to do :-)  )

5.  Vote for the particular blog ( it is out of 5 stars)

6. Make a comment about said blog, you will be helping other people in evaluating a blog, you will be telling the blogger of the site how you feel and you are being entered into the monthly random Cash Comment Contest.

This is how to use BlogNet Awards.

 How does this help you the commenter?  This is one of the questions I have been asked a few times now.

Number one, every time you vote and comment you are entered into the monthly draw where you can earn cash..not some piddly cash either, we are talking anywhere from $50.00 - $250.00 and there are other prizes as well
Number two, when you make a comment, make sure that you put in your business URL, affiliate URl or even  your own blog .  This will help get traffic to you and it does work.

I think I have answered what you needed to know Judy, if you need help in anyway, you know I will be here to help.

Take Care and talk soon


Administrative Director

BlogNet Awards

While I have talked about how to vote and comment...remember...NOMINATE your favorite blogs, even your own blog.  There is no limit at this time to how many blogs you can or comment on
Flag of Judy Smith

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Re: BlogNet Awards - Nominations extended just 1 more day!
9/17/2008 7:49:26 PM

Hi again Tim and hello Diane!

You two are the absolute BEST - I did register Tim, and I was logged in.

So I will go back on over and follow my detailed instructions and vote my little heart out - or rate and comment.  I saw some awesome topics.

I will have to use the link to Bird Essentials for now and next I will be attempting to get into succesblognet to get Like An Eagle-Soar back up and running - I finished an outline for it last night and have articles ready - so the only think in my way is time. 

Thanks for the detailed instructions -


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Re: BlogNet Awards - Nominations extended just 1 more day!
9/17/2008 11:20:01 PM
Thank You Tim :)

Coming Soon...Fall Fun At OREO's Place '08!!

Flag of Tim Southernwood

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Re: BlogNet Awards - Nominations extended just 1 more day!
9/19/2008 11:43:47 AM

Hey friends,

Well I'm just impressed that so many of you took action and stepped up to nominate blogs on the Awards site :-)

That kind of activity WAY beats chatting aimlessly, dropping glittery pics in forums, or posting to classifieds or to safelists. 

While it's true that blog comments won't show immediate activity, you never know when someone's going to come across your post and hit your link out of curiosity.
Blog posting is perhaps the BEST and longest lived marketing that you can manage for free, and we've made it even better by adding in a contest that you can stack the odds in your favor just by doing what's GOOD for your business AND WIN MONEY!!

Amazing that all you people haven't killed my server (and you go right ahead and try ;-) I'm prepared for your best

Anyway, I just wanted to congratulate all of you for doing good things for your business, and to say thanks for helping mine!

Best regards,

Tim Southernwood/Get eH² Packs!/BlogNet Awards We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle

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