Hi Ricky,
Copy and Paste has it place. Those ads have been designed to make them pass filters. We do wish we could make at least minimum wage for our efforts but that is not the way we get paid for working on the internet.
But my point is, if you say "I met the owner for lunch and he told me the company had doubled in size in 24 hours" then by golly you had better had lunch with the owners and not be telling fibs.
If you can't prove what you say in that you never experienced it, then refrain from that statement. Some say, Joe Smooo made $1,000 in 3 hours with this program, then tell me how that worked for you. Who is Joe Smoo? ----bet you don't know him. If you make $1,000 in 3 hours and I can call you on the phone, visit your home office then lets talk. Otherwise, what Joe Smoo does may not be duplicateable.
I well remember an Adlander who bragged about making huge amounts of money but his profile pic showed him sitting in a basement with the electricity box in the background, cement wall and the laundry basket sitting beside him. That kind of wealth I can do without.