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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: The Truth Must Out #5: The Large Hadron Collider and September 10th 2008
9/10/2008 10:39:11 AM
Hello Robert!

It seems that you we are behind our PCs. I have some headache, but I don't know from where it comes. No balck holes around me or anthting strange. Nothing yet on the news. If the experimement was launched or not we don't know yet.

Well, nobody expects any direct results from the beginning and of course as we already knew tahy would not report anything.

Known is that there are many military observants too. I hope they are there for peaceful research and not to take over the experiment.

As for creation I think it is a work only for nature and for God. A very famous Greek astrophysicist bets that by this expereiment they will never find the particle "x" or particle of "God" as they call it.

In India we had the first suicide by a 16 years old girl who believed that the earth would go under.

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Robert De Merode

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Re: The Truth Must Out #5: The Large Hadron Collider and September 10th 2008
9/11/2008 3:01:05 AM

The big news that leaked out this morning is all about the traitorous reality that this particle collider has as objective. This was up to now only known by a tight knitted inner family circle of the holy conspiracy, the aim is to change all black ink figures into red! This is in essence the reason for choosing the construction site right on the Swiss border. Imagine the disaster this will do to Swiss bank accounts! The Divine punishment to Switzerland for not joining the Euro currency! Guess who’s next? There already is a tunnel under the Channel initially created for the very fallacious Franco-British underground connection named “The Euro Star”.

My two Euro cents!


Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Greek hackers broke the LHC System in CERN Project on first day.
9/14/2008 1:01:31 PM
Hello Adlanders and Philoxenia friends!


The U.K. newspaper Telegraph reports online that Greek hackers were able to gain momentary access to a CERN computer system of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) while the first particles were zipping around the particle accelerator on September 10, 2008.  ARTICLE

As the first particles were circulating in the machine near Geneva, a Greek group had hacked into the facility and displayed a page with the headline “GST: Greek Security Team.”

The people responsible signed off: “We are 2600 - dont mess with us. (sic)”

The website - - can no longer be accessed by the public as a result of the attack.

Greek Hackers attack CERN

Half of the Hadron Calorimeter

Greek Hackers broke through the security coputer system of CERN suuper computers. While 10.000 scientists were working on the LHC atom smasher some smart Greeks (there are lots of them) HACKED The Super computer system. THe purpose was to show the scientists how weak this system is and how easy it can be sabotaged.

After braking the security system they went in to the official Cern website and announced in Greek what they did. A form of SECURITY PROTEST..
The announcement in Greek (I am laughing - The biggest fault ever by scientists).

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Dimitra Bravou

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Re: Greek hackers broke the LHC System in CERN Project on first day.
9/15/2008 9:21:00 AM




I hope we don't get in this hole all of us!!!


Jim Allen

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Re: Greek hackers broke the LHC System in CERN Project on first day.
9/15/2008 9:30:27 AM

WOW!!!!  What a great thing to do to prove your point! 

Break into a system that many, even those writing in this forum believe could cause disastrous effects, EVEN if the experiment went along unencumbered or hampered by know it alls frpm the outside. 

You have 2600 Geek Hackers, most likely bored teens playing with Black Holes.  That is Really something to be proud of and crow about. 

Kudos to the idiocy.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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