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Re: The Truth Must Out #5: The Large Hadron Collider and September 10th 2008
9/7/2008 11:22:20 AM

Oh Georgios!

I don`t know what to say! When my mother was speaking off / predicting those things for some years ago, I was not sure about her sanity :) , or :( ...

I must admit I feel luck of maturity to discuss about those things. As Geketa said, information you have presented us are both: amazing and extremely upsetting.

There are some theories that souls are just machinery, constructed by Lords of Light and Dark to fulfill their ambitions in their game of extreme polarization (White and Black experience) ... Just , knowing that TIME is energy .... I feel as a fallen into black hole ... in front of that machine ...

Now I am very sorry for keeping only a half of one ear opened when my mother was teaching some people about LAND OF ILLUSIONS and all possibilities of our brains and other instruments for communication and perception .... I didn`t listen carefully and now I feel sorry for that. Also, I am ashamed to ask her again, because I have never shown any respect to her knowledge.

What do you think Georgios, is it possible to use this machinery just to create any of illusions about past time? Do you trust this will be real walk behind?

Anxiously waiting for more news from you, with a big appreciation and gratitude,



Sarah Pritchard

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Re: The Truth Must Out #5: The Large Hadron Collider and September 10th 2008
9/7/2008 11:56:25 AM

Hello Georgios,

I find this intriguing and worrying.

I definitely believe that even though we have some divinity in us, we should not be playing at being God.

I hope Mother Earth will not be crying on the 10th September. May the angels comfort her. Nature should be left to nature and to be "natural."

Angel cuddles, love and light,


The greatest law is that of love. Love will out. Godspeed

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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: The Truth Must Out #5: The Large Hadron Collider and September 10th 2008
9/7/2008 1:33:09 PM
Hello Jim!

Thank you for the comment and for coming in to this discussion. I may agree with you that many things are done for peaceful research and many times we are privileged by those inventions.

Of course if the can tame the nuclear powers that would be good for humanity. As far as I know all those known inventions were made by state money meaning and those money were taking by everyone in a region or a country, etc. In this case it is taken by 300 million Europeans.

Say that the results will be good for the humanity! Will we ever joy the happiness to share the part we contributed by our own pockets. No, there will always be a multi-national company to take over this knowledge and sell "their" service.

As for what is happening to those great inventions. The relativity theory was a good invention at the 20-ties but the most hated in August 1945. More than 140 thousand people died in few seconds for a capriccio.

The particle "x" will be able to give also answers to create life. Just think of Ben Ladden and AlQuhida getting this knowledge in their hand.

Several thousand scientists and a big American team, are all those evil? I wouldn't say so. Einstein and Von Braun weren't devilish either but their inventions turned to be catastrophically for the humanity and Japan.

Jim, I tried to give an objective view of what will happen on Wednesday. I tried to use my best English and stay out of the informative part. I separated my comments. What I reply is my opinion.

I presume they will never give us the results. They will announce either that they stopped the experiment or that the experiment failed. I AM SURE OF THAT. The truth will come out after 20-30 years and if we or our children live we will know what really will happen in Switzerland in tree days.

Happy Sunday
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: The Truth Must Out #5: The Large Hadron Collider and September 10th 2008
9/7/2008 1:50:26 PM
Hello Luka!

I am glad to see you here. Thank for a very good reply showing both an intellectual  and a spiritual level on your comments.

We all do mistakes and sometimes we don't care. Age can also keep us apart from subjects that can be useful in our future.

I will not say that your mother was right or wrong. She tried to give you her view of what she saw for this situation as she undestood it at that time. Every day we are bombarded with new information. We must create our own filters to gather what is good and what is bad for us.

There is a game out there and be sure they want us to take it as a for or against our our creator and the universal laws.

They don't know what will happen and nether the "Lords of Light" nor the "Lords of Darkness" appeared to give any information or incstructions. Everything is set up by theories and guessings.

Your question!
What do you think Georgios, is it possible to use this machinery just to create any of illusions about past time? Do you trust this will be real walk behind?

I believe that they will serve us what they find good and most of the humanity will follow like sheep. We can not jump next day in a new dimension. To do that we need knowledge.

The universal laws and codes cover averything. We are those who can not understand those laws and codes.

You are young and thirsty for knowledge. I can only give you my opinion. Who says I am right?

Have a great evening
Greetings to your mother.


ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: The Truth Must Out #5: The Large Hadron Collider and September 10th 2008
9/7/2008 2:13:08 PM
Hello Sarah!

I don't know what to say. There are professors in physics who totally disagree with this experiment.

I agree with you. Let mother earth, the nature and God to do their job and we humans to stay on our human level.

There will be damage on earth by this experiment. I believe they will not launch it. They are not sure of the outcome and they are scared to.

Forethought and afterthought (Prometheus and Epimetheus). Those ancient Hellenes knew what they wrote and described and they knew why Zeus created Pandora with a box.

The game of this experiment is PANDORAS BOX. 

If we will hear in the news that the experiment was successful, then be sure to have a A Great King ruling in your country very soon. You understand what that means. A new era will begin. If you google on esoterics or occult, pagan and wicca and use key words related New Age beliefs, you will read much on what they already have prepared and served to us.

Most of it is empty words Like their METATRON Archangel the highest of all who is not mentioned in any serious religious content but created by Kabalists to give a name to their leader.

Have peaceful week
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook

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