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Judy Smith

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Re: A call for Help !
9/1/2008 6:59:06 PM

Hi Tim,

Your Blog Award site is awesome!  I did find one thing - I wanted to read "Just My Cup of Tea" and could not get to the article.  Perhaps there is no article.

It's time for me to get moving and recreate the blog - I will have to hook up with Diane for some help probably, but the contest sounds like fun and even a challenge. 

Time to dust off the keys and get moving.  My energy level is just now returning to about normal after a bad bout with Lyme Disease in mid June.  Oh my and i am not a very good patient.  Glad to be getting back to normal and having the energy to grt back in touch with everyone and start moving forward again.

SO nice to see you!

Hugs and blessings,


Diane Bjorling

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Re: A call for Help !
9/1/2008 8:36:01 PM
Hi Judy :-)

It has been a while and it is wonderful to hear that you are finally feeling better.  Yipee.

Thank You number one for all your support, you have always been fantastic and yes we are very excited about the whole concept of the BlogNet Awards.

Thank you for letting us know about any potential issues that people might be having with the navigation aspect.

The way to work the site is:

On any of the categories, click on the " Vote best blog".  On that page, just click on the blog image.  We encourage everyone to go visit the blog in question.  Once you have visited.  Then simply come back and make your vote and comment.    When you are commenting then two things are are letting people know what you think of the blog nominee and you are entered into the draw for that particular month.

Do you have a favorite blog Judy?  Someones blog that is a favorite of yours?  Then I would say, nominate them, you are giving them exposure, you are gaining visibility and every time you make a  you are entered into the draw.  I liken it to buying multiple lottery tickets...except this is free   :-).

If you are wanting to know what you win...all the details are on the site..but I will give you a clue.... anywhere from $50.00 - $250.00!  ( payed through Pay Pal)

This BlogNet Award site is so innovative, fresh and unique...this has never been done like this before.

As Tim said in a press release " “BlogNet Awards was created with a single-minded purpose—to put the spotlight on the blogging community through broad exposure, allowing new bloggers the opportunity to ‘get their feet wet’, and experienced bloggers to gain broad and deep recognition across the world wide web. BlogNet Awards is the only blog awards program where both bloggers and those who appreciate them can win an exciting array of prizes and cash simply by voting for their favorites, not to mention valuable recognition and that all-important traffic generation. We’re proud to lead the blogging industry with this innovative best blog contest.”

As always Judy I am at your service in helping you with your blog.  You are a pleasure to teach and support.

I hope this helps you and maybe other with BlogNet Award.

Tim, I am sure will come in is his forum ....but I will also answer anyone's question regarding BlogNet Award.

To Your Success


Administrative Director

Tim Southernwood

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Re: A call for Help !
9/2/2008 2:22:54 PM

Thanks Diane,

And thanks to everyone else for your comments. Everyone that's seen the Awards site has had good things to say (even if they were suggestions for improvements! ;-) )
That's why I came to all of you first, you are my friends and that's what friends do for each other. Well..I also wanted to give all of you the best chance at winning a prize too. Nominate the best blog of the month and you share in that award as well! :-)

The support has been tremendous! The messages of congratulations come in regularly, so I wanted to thank EVERYONE here, because quite honestly..I don't have time to thank everyone separately.

We're working on a couple of important changes that will make it even easier for people to understand the system and navigate the site.

We'll also be implementing a NEW Marketing tool, and plans are in the works for even more! (here's a tip - it's a way to help YOU monetize your blog ;-) shhhhhh) 

What I'm thinking to do is to start another thread more in the normal vein of posts in this forum, that of teaching, motivation, and support.

So look for the new thread.. Anatomy of a Launch.

I'll be as open about things as I can (without giving away proprietary information) as I believe it will be beneficial to all of you to see things from my perspective, and from the perspective of the people who are working with me.

I won't be able to bring them all in, but perhaps I can get them to send me something that we can post here to give you a perspective from thier point of view.

Best Regards,

Tim Southernwood/Get eH² Packs!/BlogNet Awards We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle
Diane Bjorling

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Re: A call for Help !
9/2/2008 2:44:22 PM
Hi Tim

You are very welcome!

I had this great thought so I am putting it in here,  when you start this new thread

Anatomy of a Launch.

I personally would like to see people who have their own business come in and give their perspectives on creating  not only a business, but all the different aspects to having a launch.  The fact is that for everyone on the outside it seems so simple.  But the hours upon hours of work that one has to put in, the learning curve of not only understanding but implementing such a task can at times be seemingly daunting.

I know that working with you on the latest launch of BlogNet Awards 
has been exciting, a learning curve and at times exhausting.

Talking to all the other people who have helped in this new contest site has been an eye opener....everyone an expert in their would be great to hear from them and other experts.

Teaching, Motivating and Supporting - I like it! :-)

AS to what is being worked on...yipeeee

To Your Success and always



Jerome Pfeifer

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Re: A call for Help !
9/2/2008 4:52:13 PM

Hi Tim,

I added you to skype, and I am going back to your BlogNet BlogAwards to check the site over once more.

I wanted to see more yesterday but got busy.

Talk Later.


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