May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you, Jim Allen III Skype: JAllen3D Everything You Need For Online Success
Just wondering?
Did anyone know that Fact Check is funded by Annenberg Foundation?Yes, that Annenberg Foundation that Obama was on the board of and was chosen by Bill "The WeatherMan" Ayers to run. The foundation that doesn't want it's records released to the public showing the ties between .Fact Check the “non-partisan” political “fact checking” site. Well if you say you are non-partisan I guess that is good enough for me.How many times have you been in an debate with a liberal and they have pulled out a Fact Check article that just didn't smell right?The same site that also says that there is little proof of any substantial ties between Bill "The Bomber" Ayers and Barrack Hussein Obama?Well next time someone pulls this site out of their ass just shut them down.""
See if you can match up the statements to your candidates Choice.
Actual Link
Hey Sandy that was fun. I'm 100% for McCain according to this test. But I already knew that.