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Phillip Black

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Re: NObama! Obama News Articles
10/7/2008 6:35:44 PM

Hi Sandy,

First of all, I was trying to find you an answer as to what Obammy's statement meant, and thought I had come across one in an Attack Ad of his, but wouldn't you just know it, that Video was no longer available.  Seems like there might be a pattern there.

As far as what I think it means...

Secondly, Len, loved the Post.  Only Question is, are you sure that Ayers is Obama's only Friend that Bombed the Pentagon?

And What If?

Enjoy Life While We Still Can!

Have A Wonderful Evening,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Jim Allen

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Re: NObama! Obama News Articles
10/7/2008 8:01:04 PM

Sandy Obama does have a half brother in Kenya involved in some sort of government overthrow at this very moment.

As for Mr. Ayers he was released on a technicality.  The wiretap used in his trial was obtained illegally.  The judge never signed the actual warrant that allowed obtaining the evidence or something to that effect.  Our very laws freed him.  Yet he still has no remorse for his crimes.  So what did we do?  We put him on the board of inner city educational boards supported by ACORN.  Smart Move wouldn't you say?  If you were part of the plan to socialize the USA.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Re: NObama! Obama News Articles
10/7/2008 8:28:37 PM
Hi Phil

Those Video's have a way of doing that.  Disappearing. and What about Jerome Corsi, who wrote "The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality?  I'm surprised what, I think, he went after, didn't disappear as well. 

Thanks Jim, I do recall that, but just didn't quite understand totally why he's so involved with our educational boards.  hmm  guess it's who you know..

Len Berghoef

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Re: NObama! Obama News Articles
10/8/2008 11:37:07 AM
What a boring debate last night!

Tom Brokaw was taken out of moth balls to do the moderating in last nights debate. I think he did a terrible job in my opinion. 

Brokaw personally picked the type of questions that could be asked out of thousands that were sent in from the internet and those in the audience.

This was all to protect Barack H. Obama from talking about: 

*Judicial nomination
*Gun control
*Border control
*Bill Ayers
*Rev. Wright
*His college records Obama will not make available.

The polls are tightening so this is good news!
Zogby polls are Obama 47 McCain 45. 10-07-08

People really do not trust Obama!

Start a 2nd income and get out of debt!
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: NObama! Obama News Articles
10/8/2008 12:47:59 PM

Jerome Corsi is going to be on Fox News tomorrow morning between 9 to 11 a.m. with Megyn Kelly and Bill Hemmer, he's going to talk about being detained in Kenya the other day and new information he may have found about Barack Obama.

ACORN is now being investigated in 10 states, many of them are battleground states (PA, OH, MI, WI, IN, FL, NC, NV, NM and one more I forgot!)

The federal govt took over the ACORN offices in Nevada within the last 24 hours.

Also in Lake County, Indiana, more than half the voter registrations recently have turned out to be fake.  Many of them were written in the same handwriting, with the same name on many.  The people doing this don't even make the effort to change their handwriting or use different names!


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