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Re: What do I think about Pay It Forward? You may not like it!
8/1/2008 12:49:02 PM
OK....that's kind of what I was getting at, Carl.   I don't completely understand your building system the way you just presented it, but I'm starting to figure it out.   If I'm on Level 3 than all of us on that level are looking at this:

Subaffiliates on level 3: 27 Remaining Positions On Level 3: 0

Would I be correct to say that you have 27 more positions to sell until your third level is filled?  You could do that in 1 day if that's the case, and it's certainly exciting!  But somehow I don't believe that's how it works, because the "0" on the right also tells me that you have more filling to do on your first 2 levels before you get to our sub-group.

As for the Pay It Forward concept that this topic was originally about,  I wasn't the one disputing it.  The term that some of us veteran MLM-ers use for that is Benefactoring.  The GDE company, you, Marilyn, and other team leaders have benefactored in many people. This is very much a numbers game, which applies more to network marketing than any other type of selling.  Some will do their part for the team and some won't.  At least your monetary loss so far has been minimal at $700.  So I think everyone can agree that your efforts have been overwhelmingly successful.  That's why I'm sticking with you for as long as I can afford to.  Few businesses profit in their first few months.  It will be interesting to see where you guys can take me with one of my positions, and where my own campaign will with the other.  I'll discuss that more in a new topic now that you gave me the go-ahead, but it will contain my link for that search engine service (and it is $30 / month for a limited time).



Carl Haavaldsen

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Re: What do I think about Pay It Forward? You may not like it!
8/1/2008 1:45:11 PM
Hi Jeff, Actually, level 3 is filled. Remaining Positions On Level 3: 0 It was close together so I understand why you did not understand. Level 4 is almost filled.
Carl Haavaldsen Skype: rmcglobal
Re: What do I think about Pay It Forward? You may not like it!
8/1/2008 1:49:35 PM I got it!   So with 55 positions to fill on your Level 4,  some of us who joined the RMC team in early July are very close to seeing our first levels filled.

Keep up the good work, Havaaldsen!