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Pauline Raina

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Re: What Do You Believe
7/27/2008 12:21:47 PM
Dear Nick,

you said:

Ask yourself what is your greatest fear, most would say finding out that there is nothing after you die.

Well, as far as I can remember, I have never known fear, as strange as it may sound. But thats the truth.  Guess thats the result  of having strong faith in something you believe in to be true, and a profound feeling of being loved compeletely and the ability to love back in the same manner.

 1 John 4:18:
   18There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

I believe that after I die I will go to where the Bible promises me I will go.

1Peter 2: 15-18
 15For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men:

   16As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God.

   17Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.

   18Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward.

About my brothers n sisters of other faiths, well I respect them and their beliefs. I have many moslem friends here, and some are my best friends too. So is with Hindu, Buddhist and even atheists !!! They repect me for who I am and I do the same and all is well and we are blessed :-)  I really wish many of my friends here could visit India, and spend time here, Gosh you will learn a great lesson on tolerance!

I believe.....

Ephesians 6:12 
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.


Pauline R
Beverly Kersey

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Re: What Do You Believe
7/27/2008 1:59:18 PM

Dear Peter:

I couldn't have ever said it as well as you did. Thank You Nick. You have a wonderful heart and faith. Thank You Peter for saying what I am sure a lot of us wished we could have put the perfect words together that you have written.

Lets just do what we are supposed to do no matter our faith. Love one another and respect each other for their beliefs.

Love Your Sister and Friend

Bev Kersey

just another small town girl.

 Heart Glasses 

Beverly Kersey
Nick Sym

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Re: What Do You Believe
7/27/2008 3:57:42 PM

Now Here Some Food For Thought !

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Geketa Holman

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Re: What Do You Believe
7/27/2008 5:30:52 PM
Hi Nicky ,

I almost left before I let the picture load I am glad I didn't . A picture is worth a thousand words.. as always you nailed it down..

Hugs and Blessings,


Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Nick Sym

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Re: What Do You Believe
7/28/2008 2:05:39 AM

Ads for God

  We here at Ads for God have observed a tremendous amount of information regarding this world and why we are here. At last count we heard that there are approx. 9900 different "Religions" on the face of this earth, and there is only "one" that can prove that it is the "Inherent Word" of the "Only True Living God". That "One" is "The Bible". Although The Bible proves itself in many ways, we will approach one way in particular at this time. And that is, "Prophecy". The Bible is approx. one third Prophecy that covers several thousand years, and it is 100% accurate. Can your religion do that? Answer: No. The staff here at Ads for God have condensed all the information down to two simple rules........... Rule #1 No one can prove that The Bible is wrong.     Rule #2 We can only prove that The Bible is right.        It says in The "Book" that "The Scriptures are foolishness to those who are perishing", is that you? It also says that "All those who call on the Name of The Lord, shall be saved".    His name is Jesus, do it now !!!     It looks like we are coming to the end of the Bible Prophecies. Many of the 'Preachers' and 'Teachers' seem to think that "The Rapture" is going to take place, and then the awful part of  "The Book of Revelation" will finish out. You don't want to be here then, that's for sure. So if this is correct, and you don't believe, when you see a lot of people flying through the air to meet Jesus, and you're still here, bummer....... in The Book of Revelation it says that a lot of awful things are going to happen. Have any "Doubts" ?  .... see rule #1  ...... Then see rule #2  , and have a wonderful day. With all the information we have in these days, how could a "Thinking", "Intelligent", generation of people not analyze the facts and see the "Truth" ?   Hello ?? see rule #1. "The Book" also says, "Ask, seek, and knock, for those who ask, recieve, and to those who seek, find, and to those who knock, the door will be opened to them". If you look for the "Truth", you will find it. see rule #2. The question is; What will you do with it ?? It is Eternal Life, It is a Gift, It can not be earned. One thing you might notice; "Christianity" is more like a "Relationship" with God, rather than a "Religion", where the "Worship of God" and "Love your neighbor" are the most important items on the agenda.

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