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Phillip Black

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Re: Drive-Thru Day
7/17/2008 9:15:10 AM

Hi Nick,

Thanks my Friend.  Believe it or not, there was once a time when both of the young ladies that I would be seeing would have looked quite Normal.  All of which brings me to another example of the difference between Whiskey and Water.

At the Midnight meeting of AA, the speaker was demonstrating the differences between drinking Whiskey or Water.  First off, he placed a wiggly little Worm into a glass of Water.  Of course, the Worm swam freely around inside the glass and had a lovely time.  Then, he placed a second Worm down into a glass of Vodka.  The Worm was immediately vaporized.

Looking out over the assembled group, he asked, "Now Brothers and Sisters, what lesson might we learn from this?".  There was a murmur which ran through the group.

Finally, a Bleary Eyed Fellow on the back row stood up and said, "As long as I keep drinking my Whiskey, I won't ever have Worms.".

Seriously though Myrna, I really appreciate the Information.  That goes a long way toward explaining why I have been told by some that I was full of S**t.  You see, I drink (8) 8-ounce glasses of water each day.

Have A Wonderful Day,



“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Steven Suchar

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Re: Drive-Thru Day
7/17/2008 2:45:41 PM
Hi Brother Nick!

Ahhh, seeing Jack In The Box takes me back to when Diane and myself were first dating.  :)

I think it was close to 10 pm (vintage munchie time) and we drove up to the window, ordered our food, paid and then pulled around back into their parking lot to eat.

Well, I unwrapped my burger and to my surprise...NO BURGER!!  They did put everything else on the bun that was supposed to be there though. lol

So, we drove back up to the window and showed them the 'burgerless' burger and we all had a good laugh from it.

Thanks for triggering that memory...your OREO brother Steven.

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Nick Sym

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Re: Drive-Thru Day
7/18/2008 1:51:07 AM
My Dearest Tree Hugger Anamaria

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Nick Sym

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Re: Drive-Thru Day
7/18/2008 2:13:11 AM

Phil My Buddy !

It is funny how life is as when you are younger, there is not a care in the world but as the years creep up on us all more important things seem to make way, like eating whole wheat bread and not white to live an extra 6 months. There are three Rules to life, Live, Love and Belive, thats it ! Any thing after that just makes you stronger - God Love You And So Do I !

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Nick Sym

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Re: Drive-Thru Day
7/18/2008 2:33:53 AM
Steven My Brother !

The way you speak of Diane you must be very much in love and I think that is so beautiful. It took me many years to find my soul mate and I know the special feeling so here is a picture for both of us !

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