Jim Allen III here.
How's it going?
Well I hope, well I've just heard about a new really interesting giveaway that Richard Butler (aka The Success Coach) is putting together.
It's an interesting idea - coaches and self improvement experts offering products to people for free. Well I thought you might have something you'd like to offer in return you'll get to build up a good list of targetted subscribers.
I think you will really like what they are doing here and I know you will jump on board like I did ASAP.
To get the "by Invite Only" private JV details, just go here.
http://coachingfundamentals.com/go/45/jv Contributor Invite Code:letshelppeople
The site launches in a few weeks so there's still some time
Jim Allen III
P.S. They made it so easy. It's all dynamic. You set the text and logo's yourself it it is automatically and instantly added to the sales pages and members area..