Hello ALP,
We had a fantastic live call last night. If you missed it, here are some important updates:
1. You have a new Professional Website that is getting great attention!
2. In your Members Area, scroll to the very bottom for
your new HOT BENEFIT!
3. The new benefit and the rebate programs are all for
USA and Canada!
4. Here are the items we are working on now...
--- Update of Opportunity Page
--- Addition of an Audio to your Home Page
--- Update of Members Area so you can get new Grocery Program
--- Creation of Offline Marketing Tools / Flip Chart / etc...
--- Launching Online Capture Pages
PS: Be sure to log in and scroll to the very bottom and check out your new ENTERTAINMENT ONLINE BENEFIT - you can print coupons and start saving today!
This one benefit is sold for $15.95 a month - you get it free with your Membership and if you use it, you can save a bunch!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know.
PPS: SPECIAL BONUS ( This week only )...
Refer 2 new Members at your level or higher and get a FREE MONTH!
Not only will you get paid, and start your path to over $8,000 a month, but you'll also get a free month!
After you do, you must let us know in your Help Desk in order to qualify.
Cool Savings Story... Last night, one gentleman said he had printed $600 worth of dining coupons from Savings Highway for about $50.
Yesterday, my car would not start so I called the Roadside Service - They were here in 30 minutes and got me up and running for free! I love it!
Do you have a will? If you have children, please get one. Get one done for FREE in your Members area under your Legal Benefit!
How many ways can you find to save?
As soon as your Members Area is updated, you will be able to get your $300 Grocery Shopping Code!
This is Sweet!
See you at the top,
Jim Allen III
Savings Highway