
Sarah Pritchard

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Invitation to Pay It Forward for you.
6/11/2008 3:57:54 PM

I believe that God put man on the Earth to take care of the Earth. Mother Nature does a grand job in providing us with a clean environment in which to live. We should, in turn, do our best to keep it that way. I like this program because it does just that. The other reason why I like this program is because it is not mlm; it is contributional marketing to make a cleaner Earth. This is a great combination of making money online and bringing people's attention to the necessity to clean up the environment.

The launching of the UBIEE ENVIRO PROJECT is another way of creating “Environmental Awareness to help our Planet” so that “our Children and Future Generations will be able to live a healthier life” We have great “Tools in our Back Offices” and many committed and dedicated People who are working for a “cleaner environment”.

(This costs a one off contribution of just 11 Euros. I started earning just 2 hours after I'd joined and I've had a good number of WOW days since. In fact, I made a number of contributions and I have got my contributions back on mine and my children’s contributions, and am now gaining each time someone joins in one of my vortices. I’ve a number of TP1s which have been given to me and this is ongoing.)

Fuel is a big concern at the moment. Prices are rising and rising. Another concern with fuel is the pollution factor. The Ubiee Power pill covers both of these issues.


“POWER PILL SUCCESS !!! One of my automotive customers who has never used power pills took a road trip to Calif with power pills, starting out with 2 pills a week or so before the trip, then used one with each fill up on trip from Washington to Cailf, got 10 miles per gal increase in mileage, the customer was just floored!!!!”


I copied that quote from the public Skype  chat about the Ubiee power pill. You can see more of the chat here: Ubiee Pill Public Chat


UBiee Power Pill is a Fuel Conditioner. This is a true product that works and eliminates contamination by 78% and because of the results in cleaning the fuel it also burns the fuel you are using much better. This increases mileage that makes it a very reasonable product to buy and also you save quite a lot of money.


It also cleans your motor which results in longer engine life.


Now, due to high fuel prices people are starting to appreciate what the Power pill does.


The governments have to look into alternatives, as fuel prices are reaching a record high.


It is true that they are looking into growing crops to make Bio fuel, but realistically the demand could not be fulfilled; there wouldn’t be enough land for that.


UBIEE has solutions and not just words. As a Ubiee Ambassador, I’m helping spread the word about the Ubiee Power Pill and the Ubiee Enviro Project.


I have included this in Mother Earth’s Garden, as well as in the Business Opps to share thread of my forum, because this whole issue is very important in the taking care of Mother Earth and ONE of the products we get with the PIF program is the Power pill.  You are given  ONE BLISTER of pills. “What is the PIF program?” I hear you say.


I received an invitation to have a position paid for me in the Pay It Forward Buyers Club. I accepted the invitation and now it is my turn “to give to gain.” Just as my position was paid for me, I wish to pay it forward for three people.

Update: My 3 invitations have been accepted and I am now helping my children extend their invitations.


This is the place for Blessings, Inspiration, and Multiple Income Opportunities!

We believe it is more blessed to give than receive, so if we can help You, Your Family, and Friends become financially independent, and do it with

"Paying it Forward for You" then why not start today?

If you would like us to invite you in and pay for your position, please pm me or you can get more information and an invitation from our explanation page and watch the video here.


Watch it over and over until you see the light about how to create wealth by "Pay – It – Forward" for just three (3) friends. I’m going to leave you with this to think about, Level ZERO will pay out over $230.00 US dollars, in money goods and services, the Horizon of the three (3) friends/3 Pillars.


We will leave this with you. I hope you take up our invitation. Looking forward to hearing from you.


Angel cuddles,




Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
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Re: Invitation to Pay It Forward for you.
6/11/2008 6:12:28 PM

Hi Sarah

Lovely to hear from you again, I hope you and your family are well.

Sarah I joined Ubiee with our fellow friend Georgio and to tell you the truth I dont understand it.  I have received emails stating I earned which was great but I dont know how to take it further.

With regards Pay It Forward I am really interested and would like to receive more details from your good self.

Thanks Sarah, Im looking forward to hearing from you

Best Wishes


N Ireland

Visit your safe place on the Internet
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Re: Invitation to Pay It Forward for you.
6/11/2008 7:49:12 PM


God Bless

God Bless Everyone
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Sarah Pritchard

2408 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Invitation to Pay It Forward for you.
6/12/2008 6:22:02 AM

Hello Fionnuala,

I didn't really understand when I first joined Ubiee with Georgios. I've gradually got to grips with it!!

As for the Pay It Forward, I will send you an invitation. (Even if you decide that you don't want to pay it forward for others, you remain a member for one year).
There are a whole number of benefits from being a member of the PIF Buyers Club.

Here is a longer explanation taken from the PIF website:

 Free entry To our Exclusive PAY IT FORWARD Buyers Club, thanks to a friend who has BENEFACTORED you into our system.


That friend is ME.




Create wealth by "Pay – It – Forward" for three (3) friends.


Our program will only cost you a 1 TIME payment of $37.50 (US dollars) to bring your 3 friends in Pay-It-Forward.



I already paid for your membership.  You need to pay a ONE TIME payment of $37.50 for 3 of your friends and they will teach their 3 friends ... 


Please review the PAY IT FORWARD Buyers Club by clicking on the banner:










The friends you invite and pay for in the Pay It Forward Matrix, will become MEMBERS of the Exclusive Buyers club. People you invite and add to the system will be members for 1 year regardless if they Pay It Forward for their Friends or not. If they decide to pay their $37.50 and become an EXCLUSIVE Member, they automatically ENTER into the LEVEL ZERO. 


Another benefit:  ALL PAID  ~PAY IT FORWARD~ MEMBERS, WILL BE ABLE TO USE OUR  EXCLUSIVE DEBIT CARD and will get a FREE blister of UBIEE Power Pills!


Below are all the SERVICES and CASH you'll earn on  the 1st time you cycle in the Matrix



1 year UBIEE EARTH MAIL valued 18 USD 


$ 4

UBIEE ENVIRO PROJECT Debit Card - Gas/Fuel Support


$ 40



$ 10

Limitless Mall


$ 20

1 Blister UBiee Powerpill good for 220 gallons / 850 Liter. Clean Driving for our Environment (FREE SHIPPING / HANDLING World Wide!)


$ 50

1 UBIEE ENVIRO Project Payout Module Entry. WOW eMAILS


$ 16

Entry into the next Tier 1 - for P.I.F.B.C.


$ 10

Re-Entry Tier 0 - for P.I.F.B.C.


$ 10

Classic Friendly Surf Site - PIF Premium membership valued 80 USD


$ 3

SOLIXTA info Social Enviro Community & Network - PIF Premium membership valued $ 80


$ 3

5 USD to Pool for UEM Founders


$ 5

5 USD to Pool UEM Leaders of UBIEE


$ 5

5 USD to Pool UEM Agencies


$ 5

UBIEE EARTH MAIL 11 x 4 per PIFBC Member 1 year UEM account


$ 44

1 month UBIEE ENVIRO Hosting Account


$ 10

Total Spend per 12 Cycle


$ 235


Now, just think about what level 12 will pay out, see below what the TEAM Hero bonus will give you.


Team Hero Bonus

Team Building Incentive

Additional US$$$

PIF Rankings

Paid Invitations

every Cycle

Team Builder PIF

5 Positions

US$ 2.50


10 Positions

US$ 5.00


20 Positions

US$ 10.00

Charity Soul PIF

50 Positions

US$ 20.00

Super PIF

100 Positions

US$ 25.00

Captain PIF

200 Positions

US$ 30.00

Admiral PIF

500 Positions

US$ 35.00

PIF Team Hero

1000+ Positions

US$ 40.00





PIF Team Hero Bonus



Note: If you are not a promoter, you need to learn this part! Every person who is part of a Team Build, will receive additional Team Hero Bonuses. You earn more if your Sponsor is more successful, Again let me..

Welcome you to A New Concept
in Home Based Business



A One Time Payment* of US$ 37.50 ( 25 € ) will take care of  You, and three friends or Loved ones for Life!


Pay It Forward will be a remarkable experience for many who choose to help others. We look forward to spending time putting together your better future! Let's start the process of designing the life you've always wanted. Let's go do something remarkable together! Life won't be the same once you have discovered what success is really all about!

May you experience true wealth by Paying It Forward.




I hope that this has been a help to you, Fionnuala and I will send you an invitation.

Angel cuddles,


Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
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Sarah Pritchard

2408 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
Re: Invitation to Pay It Forward for you.
6/12/2008 9:10:44 AM

Hello again folks,

I've copied a post from a fellow PIFster who commented in my Mother Earth's Garden Forum.

Angel cuddles,


"Hello Sara,

Very nice post,and you are right on with the total concept of making a contribution to our Earth - anyway we can no matter how small it may seem, we can all meke a difference.

UBIEE has taken the lead in creating Multiple Opportunities to help both the Earth and your bank account in a positive manner.

The Pay it Forward Buyers Club has just launched,and with the multiple earnings/and service's offered to it's members, you put earnings and helping the environment on autopilot. Our members get an Earth Mail 2.0  account just for signing up for a free trial!

Our Pay it forward Buyers Club is a unique concept where especially Network marketers will finally make extra income online almost instantly and effortlessly.

Thank you for sharing your Knowledge,

Tim Henderson"

Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
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