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Bryan Mcheyzer

186 Posts
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Re: Spam...Spam...Spam
5/28/2008 12:02:31 AM

Hi Cathy,

Good to hear from are right it has been a while....I either need more than 24 hrs per day(which will not happen) or need to organise my life a bit better so I am not working all the time.

I like your honesty my friend...unfortunatly there are so many programs there that sound good but in reality are just scams....Also remember that to get paid money has to come into the pot from somewhere.

What are you doing these days?

Have fun



Bryan Mcheyzer

186 Posts
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Re: Spam...Spam...Spam
5/28/2008 12:27:24 AM

Hello Diane,

Nice of you to take time off your busy schedule...I know you are soo busy at the moment.

While I do agree with you that one will remember those people.... I know that is not the type of person I would do business with or want to associate with.

I do realise that this is Adland...and as the name implies 'advert"....

Sometime back you wrote a very good article about social networking...just do not have the link...more people need to be educated on how to interact in this situation.

Thanks for your input ..always value your opinion.

Have fun


Bryan Mcheyzer

186 Posts
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Re: Spam...Spam...Spam
5/28/2008 12:36:48 AM

Hi Michael,

Thanks for calling over...before I forget I will contact you about the mail I received...thank you.

OK on to the subject...I hear what you say...the challenge I have is that I do reply to most of these adverts and thank them and make it clear that I am too busy to look at anything else...they then send another offer...ugh.

Maybe tomorrow I will send them to you :-)....just joking my friend.

Have a good one.

Talk to you soon

Have fun


Bryan Mcheyzer

186 Posts
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Re: Spam...Spam...Spam
5/28/2008 12:39:39 AM

Hey Vel,

Love your reaction :-) ..thanks for calling over.

Have fun


Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Spam...Spam...Spam
5/28/2008 12:41:32 AM

Hello Brian,

Great post,I just want to ad my 2 cents, not that its worth anything but here goes,

I advertise very loudly,That is just my style of the way I do things,Theres many reasons I do what I do and how I do it.

I love building relationships with every one if I see your number I like calling out of the blue, its a shocker to some but they remember me for doing it.

Also everyone calls me and I give them all my tips and secrets. We have alot of fun exchangeing ideas.

Am i making money at what I do? you bet .why? because I am not your average person.I live and breath what I do.

People seem to think if they stick one or two ads up then that is either enough or they just are hoping to ride on luck.

Half  the stuff is junk there promoting because they are desperate and do not know better. or they follow the hype that others are following and then it all fizzles out. you know I have tons of people call me to ask me what I think of the business their considering because they know Im gonna be dead up front honest of what I think it is. I tell most of them to lock there wallets away.

People first have to know that most of these people are desperate in the first place and were scamed into the programs unknowingly. then they kick them selves after relizing  spending a fortune on a program that is not going to produce or they find out that they do not know how to advertise effectively in the first place. there should be much more caution in the wind then what there is when people decide to join something. Better yet people who are joining things left and right never even go back to using what they signed up for and then you hear them complaining to others.

Folks, lesson one: what ever you sign up for you should be productively using it at least for 3 months and use it actively and if you dilegently work the program you might see that it is working. never give up because your frustrated that it did not work over night.

Ok I better stop I could go on forever.

Just thought I would step into this and give my feed back on this.


Kathy Hamilton/simikathy

I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking

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