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Bryan Mcheyzer

186 Posts
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5/27/2008 9:15:31 PM
Hello My Friends, Every morning I seem to get messages from the same people here at adland and it is always trying to sell me the greatest opportunity in the world. I will not name anyone but you guys know who you are...has no one told you it does not work...or does it? Do we get the advertising messages from the same people because they are having success??? I would really appreciate your comments... Does Spam Work here at Adland? Have Fun Bryan
Cathy Walker

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Re: Spam...Spam...Spam
5/27/2008 9:41:32 PM

 Hi bryan ..long time no see..haven't seen you since the OPFM days..wasn't that fun !..LOL  

to answer your question 

well I don't usually send much private mail to the people here at adland..I don't do a lot of  my advertising (if you could call it that ) that way..But I do post  quite a few ads in my advertising forum in the hopes that a few people will join some of my hasn't worked very well though ..because I'm not a good advertiser..either that or my programes suck..ha!!

probably a combination of both the above!!

and no..I'm not one of the ones making a lot of fact I'm not making any money at all..LOL

I do get a lot of private mail  from people here though trying to sell their "stuff"..unfortunately I can't join up ..because most of the membership  fees are way outside my price range..

My price range being about $1- $5..or TOTALLY FREE!!..ha ha!!!!!heee!!


have a great day

regards from

cathy walker




Diane Bjorling

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Re: Spam...Spam...Spam
5/27/2008 9:42:10 PM
Good evening Bryan:

There have been so many forums on this subject, with varying degrees of responsiveness to this type of issue.

Just for a change, I am going to play devils advocate here.  There is a truism in politics and that is many cases people will get voted in because of negative attention...people remember better and usually when it comes to voting for one..they will have in their heads the person who either yelled the loudest etc.

That being it the right thing to do?  Does it really give you brownie points?  The fact is, that the people who do this form of advertising, in the beginning will get the sign ups..note how i say this...sign ups..ok..then what?  Do these people stay in any of the they even know what the programs are...usually, the answer is no, not for any length of time.

My personal opinion is...I will keep deleting these ads..which by the way are legal..they are not spam..although some might question this...they have been bought and paid for...hey i am very good at deleting..honest   :-)

I would rather be a success at what I do, by keeping my credibility, keep to the adage of develop a relationship first...and sell second..espcially on any Web 2.0 social platform and educate to the best of my ability the proper ways of doing business. is so kewl to see you do this...keep up the good work..   :-)

To Your Success,


Re: Spam...Spam...Spam
5/27/2008 9:48:14 PM

Hi Bryan

There are several reasons you keep getting messages from the same people.

Some will be forum post messages and other will be personal messages.

Bryan many of these people sending messages never get a reply so do not know if people have read their messages, or are interested or not, so they keep sending.

Good marketers know that it take 5 to 6 messages to get a response of for some people to respond and join their programs.

This is common knowledge for good marketers, that you do not give up sending if you do not get a response.

Bryan to stop getting messages send a response that you are not interested or cancel forum notifications for the forum you keep getting messages from.

Bryan if you have your own opportunity to sell; send it back to the people who keep contacting you.

Bryan if they sign up in your opportunity or program they are likely to make you good money, as the people who are persistent are the ones who succeed and make money online.

Bryan I love these people, they are people of action and I hope I can get many of them to join my programs.

This is why I let them post all the time in my forum.

Bryan hope this will help you understand.

Regards your friend Michael


Vel Am

319 Posts
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Re: Spam...Spam...Spam
5/27/2008 10:13:30 PM

Me own o-pin-un being   >  if they was making money they would have something better to do > counting.



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