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Re: Deceptive commercial email also is subject to laws banning false or misleading advertising.
5/15/2008 5:27:53 PM

Some may think that these kinds of people are ignorant of the law, I have another perspective...they don't care about the law!

I've been around a few times with these kinds of people and they think or rationalize that they're not spamming but "helping" people by blasting their biz op/program all over the internet and in people's emails...unsolicited.

When I tell them they're spamming, they get...offended! Imagine that!


Re: Deceptive commercial email also is subject to laws banning false or misleading advertising.
5/15/2008 5:43:59 PM
Hi Corrisa,

You have now brushed on the cult mentality that some marketers get when they have gone through some kind of company training. I have heard some of these training semenars and all I can say is God help their souls.

Not every company is like this but there are many popping up more than ever. I swear they would sell their mothers to get money.

I just saw an ad come from an ALP member saying GREED is good. Apparantly they don't know about the 7 deadly sins. Greed is one of them.
