Hey there...Welcome to my page.
I am a southern California native who loves being outdoors...from the beaches to the mountains.
I have a beautiful pitbull/cocker spaniel mix pooch named Babie. Stay tuned for pics...
What Brought Me to This Point...
I've had SEVERAL businesses when I was a kid…from selling greeting cards (Remember Sunshine Sales Club?) to candy to upholstery repair (didn't get far with the last one!)
As I grew up that Entrepreneurial Bug just bit me a little harder.
My FIRST turning point...
I accomplished the American DREAM by becoming a home owner while still in my 20's.
And then...
I became a parent and eventually got 3 kids (ALL under the age of 7...what was I Thinking? LOL)...
I just had rescued from Foster Care (little did I know that later I would almost be the one that would need rescuing!)
Life WAS pretty good...
I was Laid off from the cup factory I had worked at for 81/2 years...with NO warning!
I had a home business but I was barely working it. (my Mistake!)
CLUE: If the Plan B is NOT producing enough income to cover living expenses...get a Plan C...which is HELP!
Fast Forward...
I eventually pulled myself out of the dire position I was in. I had to. I didn't want to FAIL those kids - they had already been through enough.
I soon delved deeper into network marketing but I wasn't having the success I wanted.
Internet Marketing Saves the Day!
My mind was made up – I had to learn how to market and the Internet was to be my playground.
A-ha! Finally I had some success that I so desperately craved...but it wasn't enough...
CLUE #2: If you want success, your mind will find ways that validate that you're HAVING success. If you have failure on your mind, your subconscious mind will point out ways you're a failure. TIP: Get success in something...NOW!
Then I ran across some marketing materials by a man that totally changed how I viewed MARKETING...and People.
His words mesmerized me.
His style was so different than anything I have ever read.
Finally It Made Sense...
I was beginning to understand this whole Attraction Marketing formula...there IS a secret to it.
I was Done running between MAD and Frustrated.
I finally had more success than I thought possible.
But I'm not done yet...
There are people who Need to learn THIS...
No ONE else talks about it in this industry.
This story continues to be written :-)