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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: KALEIDOSCOPE #: ISRAEL -The promised land
5/18/2008 12:25:05 PM
Dear Peter and Kaleidoscope friends!

Here I got something very very interesting. A must read to learn the another view of humal evaluation and gods creation. It can be so.

click above

The Greeks and Israelites come from the line of Sarah "Abraham's" wife. The Greeks where "Danites" the tribe of "Dan" "Israel". In "Genesis" it says
"Abraham" "shell become father of many nations" in the Torah. Both Greece and
Israel are both semitic origin and Joseph's rule over Egypt makes
Abraham the father over that nation. The Danites where the tribe north of
Ancient Israel close to modern day eastern Turkey. The tribe of "Dan" created and colinised what was the city of "Troy" the "Trojans" and also settled in Athens Greece. Zeus was then none other then "Judah" himself one of the brothers of Israel who was the son of "Jacob" now caled "Israel".

In both Homer's and Plato's works it describes the accounts of incountering
people from the "east" eastern Mediterranean sea on ships and on land.

Truth or not there are many articles and many sourses out there. Personally I believe that all humans have same and common roots.

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Peter Fogel

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Re: KALEIDOSCOPE #: ISRAEL -The promised land
5/18/2008 1:07:17 PM

Hi Georgios,

Very interesting. It definitely is worth researching a bit. I totally agree with you that there we all have common roots and are related in one way or another.

I'm going to look into this and see if I can't come up with additional information on this theory.

Thanks for the video. It doesn't explain much other then some info on the Danites but it is food for thought.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Re: KALEIDOSCOPE #: ISRAEL -The promised land
5/18/2008 8:11:31 PM

It pains me that so many people are opposed to the existence of a Jewish state in the Mideast.  Not to mention those who deny that the Holocaust took place, because they want to avoid justifying Israel's creation.  And (as reported in our local newspaper) when Israel has an anniversary, many folks spend the day in mourning, as if the creation of Israel was such a terrible thing.  Those folks just don't have a generous bone in their bodies.  How sad!

Sarah Pritchard

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Re: KALEIDOSCOPE #: ISRAEL -The promised land
5/19/2008 3:58:41 AM
Hello Peter,

I'm sure that you are right. Now that I am older and wiser!!!!

I am determined that it won't be long before I start travelling and exploring many places. I'm making a list and Israel is on it.

I'm glad there aren't the same restrictions now as there were when I visited before.

I have a souvenir of my visit, by the way, a mother of pearl cross. I've never worn it for fear of damaging it. At 15, I didn't have a great deal of money to spend in each country that I visited, so I bought little souvenirs and that was the one for Israel.

Angel cuddles,

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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: KALEIDOSCOPE #: ISRAEL -The promised land
5/19/2008 3:22:31 PM
Hello Friends!

Today my thoughts are with the Jewish people! I was at a MEMORIAL - ANNIVERSARY Event of a genocide.

I wish all people heaqkth, peace, happiness and prosperity.

All we are saying ... John Lennon

Greetings from Greece

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook

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