HELLO POTW TEAM! Thank you for the invitation to a new great KING. Jim you did it. Congratulations! You lucky man . To have a week and celebrate with all mothers is Great. I wish you a great and joyful week and I wish you and all POTW audiense a HAPPY MOTHERS DAY WE HAIL YOU MOTHER RHEA
Mother of all gods
and Grandmother of humans
The oldest know hymn to Peace
From the welcoming of the Olympic Flame 2004 in Sitia Crete.
This is the oldest Hymn to PEACE.
Music set by Zachos Terzakis.
Crete - In anciant Palaeokastro
Performance -Ancient Greek
Voice Greek
Hail.! Greatest Kouros, Son of Kronos
Master of all gone below ground
return to Dikta for the changing year...
for here they took you from Rhea,
babe immortal, the shielded wards
and beat the dance with their feet.
(Literal translation: J.-A. Mac Gillivray)
Tomorrow is a Great Day. Maybe the Greatest Event of the year. Making use of the event I wanted to jump in and whish you.
Happy Mother's Day.
Enjoy Angelic Meditation

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