Hello Thomas! Loreena McKennit tells you waht Rome is and Why my destiny was decided in ROME. I gave my word to EROPHILE (spelt it wrong earlier) in Rome "The Eternal Town". EROS (LOVE) + PHILOS (FRIEND) makes the female name EROPHILE. EROPHILE - ΕΡΩΦΙΛΗ my "mystic dream"
Short history lession: Eros is the powers of of universe to hold Balance and Harmony It is the powers holing Chaos and Earth in fix distance but in balance.
There are two EROS in Greek spelt ΕΡΩΣ and ΕΡΟΣ Both are related to Aphrodite and eternal love. One is her husband and the other is her son. She had also a sοn by Ares named Anteros (Anti - Eros) meaning anti-love. Remember that Ares was "God of War". Hey Thomas! Led Zepppelin was alwas in my heart! Thank you for the video clip, the nice Hellenic picture and your Greetings. Hey you are a master of sending nice pictures. With Respect and Love Georgios