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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: The anti-christ will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations... An Interesting Read
4/28/2008 8:33:50 AM
Hello Jim!

Very interesting article! It may be so. Gathering the information from different sourses I can only point out that the coloured article writer is IGNORANT. 

Normally I do not get involved in elections conserning other countries. What I do is to take care and  be in life when that time comes. The title of this thread gives me the impuls to say my opinion.

Supose that the world will go under as Bible and the Prophesies predict then:

Accourding to the prophecies the Anti-Christ will be American citizen, a descent of Sinclairs and Templars. He will be white a so called "Christian" like Buch and Clinton. Both Presidents of USA are evil persons and destroyers, members of the secret societies, controled by the "White Brotherhood", in The White House and members of the White Pyramid.

AMERICA will NEVER be READY and NEVER allow a coloured President to rule NEW JERUSALEM and especially not a Muslim. Obama can win, but if Obama wins the elections it is not sure he will ve after that. It is tradition in USA to murder unwanted Presidents, or Personalities going against the interests of the White Pyramid. Obama knows that very well.

Personally I believe he is the best candidate! The republicans will lose so No Anti-Christ will come from them. Hillary, She will not be able to rule USA. Hillary can not be the Deliverer (666) and she will not be the president. Next President will be a Democrate and "Deliverer" if it must be a President. She can be the "Deliverer" only if she turns her sex (gender). Of course today is everyhting posible. It will be a Man with seven heads as written before in this forum. Seven heads are the Seven Sisters and you know who they are. Seven is a sacred number, but in this case it will work for Satan.

My sourses say also that The US President will be a servant of the Anti-Chris, meaning a person who will sell his soul to serve The Beast.

Two years ago I wrote "Essetae Hemar" and "Kaeros Gar Eggys" meaning The "Day is Coming" and Time  is Very Close".
Your next President will be the "Deliverer". The temple of Solomo will be built and the "Whore of Babylon" will destroy the world. Everything points to 2012, mandate period for the Democrates.

Facts on Anti-Christ (Using the Greek Pythagorean Numerology and words used in same Greek as the Bible is the NT is written)

χξς (Chi, KSi, St, Greek letters from Bible, THE MARK)
ΛΑΤΕΙΝΟΣ (THE LATIN) here it means the Vatican
ΑΝΤΙΘΕΟΣ ΕΣτΙ (Godless means)
ΠΑΡΑΔΟΣΙΣ (Delivery, The handing over)

Now to the reality! A religions that makes man fear and feel frightened is scandalous and Anti-human. Our rulers invented and invested on RELIGION to control their people. As we know from our History books and the declarations of our leaders. they all act in the name of God meaningtheir GOOD and not GOD (They forget the second "o" Good=God) . There is no God meaning harm. Evil man's rules are to fear and not GOD.

GOD is the Truth and He created a wolrd in Harmony, MAN changes it to CHAOS.

Just my Opinion!
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: The anti-Christ will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations... An Interesting Read
4/28/2008 9:21:14 AM
Jim I had to come back!

Reading the other posts I see that people are afraid. Some friends well say that it is wrong to combine faith with politics in regards to skin colour, gender, religion, etc. I agree with them.

Now, one thing must also be clear. White man rules the western world based on secret  and closed communities, making us all enslaved under their personal programs and interests. As few as 38 families control 78 % of the global sources. They will start wars to  defend their "property" and we all will pay the note (bill).  A war can not see differences of gender, colour religion, not yet.

Hey Friends. As you saw I posted much religious stuff last week. I can tell you this.
There is no Anti-Christ because there is no Christ either.

Try to understand the deeper meaning of coming Messiah in Judaism, Jesus Christ in Christianity, Mohamed in Islam. According to the Holy Books of the biggest Religions we are all sinners and that can mean in Christian words in everyone of us could be an Anti-Christ.

The great religions, Judaism, Christendom, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Shintoism, etc., and many pagan, primitive and polytheic religions are build up on thoughts of great philosophers, spiritual people who gave time to study our body, the nature and the relation between man and nature and on and experience.

Friends, keep your mind free from idiocy negativity. Think positive and stay social, do what you find is best to do and see with a big question mark to what "prophets say.

There will be a change of our consciousness not because the prophecies and our religious leaders say so, but because of new cycles and periods the earth follows in the universe under laws and codes direct under the creator. Some periodical cycles are closing, other started and life will go on.

What we need is PEACE and good "human" leaders working for a total purpose and cause.
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Jim Allen

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Re: The anti-Christ will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations... An Interesting Read
4/28/2008 11:15:18 AM

Hello Anthony (Jon Adams),


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I am sorry that you see things this way and that you are close to anger.  The observations in the original post is from an article written by a Black man.   Ken Blackwell - Columnist for the New York Sun 

These are not my words, but, I feel the observation is important and very near the truth.  Many fine orators are wolves in sheeps clothing, amen' they?  As far the reference to the prophecies in the "Book of Revelations" it is his and not my own. 

"I am so glad I do not life in racist country."  I am sure there are those that would disagree, I cannot speak from personal knowledge.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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Jim Allen

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Re: The anti-Christ will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations... An Interesting Read
4/28/2008 12:39:24 PM


Thanks for coming by and sharing.  I enjoy your perspective and intelligence.  I agree 100% with your last statement.

It is an honor to have you among my friends here at ALP.



May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jo Anne Green

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Re: The anti-christ will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations... An Interesting Read
5/4/2008 11:21:38 PM

Good Evening, Jim!

In response to Barack Obama's remark in San Francisco on God and guns, Mark Steyn, one of my favorite syndicated columnists, began his article on May 4th: "Our lesson today comes from the songwriter Frank Loesser:

" Praise The Lord And Pass The Ammunition."

Here is the link to Mark Steyn's article:

I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I do.

Have an Awesome Week!

JoAnne Green 
Principal/International Risk Management Advisor

Integrity + Experience + Dependability

Sunburst International Risk Managementwww.InternationalRiskManagement.comSunburst Worldwide Insurance

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