Hello Jim,
Thanks for being courageous enough to post the article. I am sure that many will not reply to the post but it definitely deserves to be read and thought about.
The points raised are valid and should be brought to the attention of those that are impressed by flowery speakers and not their substance.
Personally I don't think it's necessary to use the Bible as a source for why to vote or not vote for a candidate. This picture says it all and no extra interpretations are necessary. You don't even need a discerning eye to understand how serious the "problem" really is.
The above picture is self explanatory. Barack Obama's failure to salute the Flag and recite the Anthem.
Achi Thomas you succeeded to surprise me this time. Since when is an interpretation of the Bible that is different from yours considered to be "slander"? We all know that many interpret the same verse in different ways. This has been so since the beginning of time. You can disagree with an interpretation but definitely not call it slander.
Who one votes for should definitely be based on the substance of the candidate and not their flowery speeches. History has taught us to be very careful of those that succeed in electrifying the masses with their words and by doing so mask the real person behind the "words".
Thanks for sharing this with us Jim.