Hello all,
I want to briefly point out a feature here at AdlandPro, The [Send A Message] tab above the profile of each member.
This feature also has another link to the left of this screen - Networking>Personal.
This is your personal inbox and outbox. You can send private messeges this way without having to use the forums.
Lately, I have been receiving a ton of unsolicited advertisements in my networking personal inbox.
If I am receiving it, I know others are, too.
Come on people, please. You have heard of SPAMMING?
If it is unsolicited it is SPAM.
Be courteous and use proper ebusiness ettiquette.
Networking is getting to know people not slamming them with what you are selling.
Come over to the "Ask an Expert" forum and start learning how to really become successful and not become alienated.
We're here to help.
Kenneth R Sword Jr