The voting booths, and or your ballot is private except when counted John. The person counting them rarely knows anyone intimately, and from what I have seen these elections for Feature, are not hundreds of votes after all.
I fear they do not reflect the community as a whole, and that is why I declined to vote. There are so many fine people here that the majority of us have never met.
They belong to different groups etc. Yes this is an issue that would take some quality time to accomplish you are right.
As I said I hope that I have not hurt any feelings by stating why I declined. For me to be glaringly absent each time would cause questions. I decided to answer those questions and not leave my dear friends here wonder why I did not care enough to vote!
I care very much!!!
Official AdlandPro Expert, Synergism CEO, Beverly Armstrong NC, Certified Mycrous Therapist, (Homeopathies) Certified Reiki Master, Certified Magnetic Therapist & Networking Business Consultant, & Writer (Now with sound)