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Beth Schmillen

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Re: MRSA found in 9 percent of Canadian pork/There is hope!
4/13/2008 1:10:30 PM

Hi All!

This is interesting. Well... I may be confusing MRSA with another bacteria illness... the one that is affecting the college kids is the one I thought was from hospitals?

I don't have speakers, Helen, or I'd take a listen. But I'm not one to take stuff ... although I did get some vitamins again... Centrum Silver... for me age related nutrional needs! LOL... But I will take a look at your webpage again... Some people need that because ~ Jim ~ even if you do all you think is needed.... there are still things that get by you... from time to time.

You can live well with a vegetarian diet. Nuts, Legumes, Rice, Barley etc... veges ... There's a book called Diet For a Small Planet and that's the one with the recipes for complimentary proteins....

Even my old JOY OF COOKING has a recipe for bread that includes soy flour... so if you combine flours and grains you get all the amino acids to get all the protein that you need...

Jim... you ask who is packaging those remedies? I hope it isn't China... I fear a conspiracy to do away with Americans etc...

Mary.... love that pic of Drink Coffee - Do Stupid things faster!!



Nick Sym

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Re: MRSA found in 9 percent of Canadian pork/There is hope!
4/13/2008 3:15:20 PM
Hello Dear Beth and Friends !

This is the only way to go for a down home Dutchman as myself, the Farmers Market !

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Jim Allen

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Re: MRSA found in 9 percent of Canadian pork/There is hope!
4/13/2008 5:15:44 PM
Hard to go wrong there Nick.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Helen Elias

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Re: MRSA found in 9 percent of Canadian pork/There is hope!
4/13/2008 5:39:10 PM


Hello Nic

From where do they get their meat?  Do they all
grow their own?


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Helen Elias

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Re: MRSA found in 9 percent of Canadian pork/There is hope!
4/13/2008 7:29:03 PM


Hi Beth

MRSA is the same bug that was only contracted in hospitals at one time but now it is 'out there'.  MRSA is a Staph infection, if you will, now has grown into a super bug which, as a rule, cannot be killed by antibiotics.  Ironically, MRSA was created by antibiotics.  This is a reason why people should avoid antibiotics except for the most horrible problem. 

It is not that important to me that you buy the Alligin.  I just wanted to let you know it is out there.  It may also be useful for others who may wish to get it, if for nothing else, but peace of mind.  Peace of mind is worth a lot for some. Of course, in the process, they will build their immune system and those who maintain a reasonable diet probably will never have a cold and/or a flu again and if they do, they will not be as sick as they might otherwise be.  I wouldn't make guarantees to people who may have an atrocious diet and who are guzzling a liter(quart) of soda pop every day.  It should be called killer pop.

We need to remember that MRSA is highly infectious and is quite easily passed from one person to another.  With that being true, is it not our responsibility to make sure we are not the one infested with this bug and passing it onto others since we know a way to do that.

I suppose 19,000 people dieing of it, is not many.  It works out to 1 in 20,000 people in the USA but the people who lose a loved one to this bug must think it IS a lot.  I hope you find a way to listen to the audio ...if you have a place where you can plug in an earphone on your computer, you wouldn't need speakers.  Old computers have a little round hole in the back.  Newer computers have the hole in the front.  You can buy earphones at the dollar store for as low as $1.  It's an exciting audio.

I read where "recent surveys indicate that 90% of visits to doctor's offices are infection related".   Am I fear-mongering to get people to buy my product?  It isn't my intent to do that but I know people will hear about this somewhere else and that if they hear if from me, they will also know that they have access to a wonderful, powerful, all natural product made from garlic and ginger.  No, I am NOT fearmongering; I have good news!  I don't think it is packaged in China but I will find out for sure.

Some of the other issues that Alligin can address are things like Candida, fungi, viruses, high blood pressure, cholestral levels, lyme disease and maybe even HIV and others.  Of course, it would take more than a maintenance dose to see results in most of these cases but many of these ailments are thought to be pretty much incurable by allopathic medicine. 

It is interesting that where someone is afflicted with a disease, often there is fungus present in the body. Fungus is being entertained by scientists as the cause perhaps of many diseases such as fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, even and especially the big C, and many others including maladies of the brain. 

They say that 85% of the population in the USA have Candida, which is a fungal disease.  To what degree a person may have candida is probably in direct relation to how much sugar they consume because fungus and thus, candida love sugar.  If one craves sugar, could it be that their candida and/or a fungal infection is crying out for sugar?  We have all heard the stories of how difficult it is to get rid of toe fungus, right?

If you have a fairly adequate diet, you may not need to take supplements but I have been studying health and nutrition for years and I don't think I would still be on this earth typing this good news and generally just making a nuisance of myself,  if were not for all the supplements I have taken over the years.  It is difficult to know which one one needs so I took them all or nearly all.  Now I don't take quite so many.

About an "adequate" diet, my question is where do you get this adequate diet?  Big Agri has denurtured the soils so badly that the minerals we were meant to have in our diet are never there.  Mass produced foods are transported for days before they finally get to your table.  It is estimated that 60 to 80% of the nutrients are lost by the time you eat the food. 

The only way that you might be able to eat "adequately" is if you got a little farm, bought a goat or two and grew all your own stuff.  If you don't have that, I know a place on the internet where you can get raw, organic, live foods in powder form.  You mix it in water, consume it and clean up all in 3 or 4 minutes.  This is not a supplement; it is food that comes to you raw, with enzymes and electrons intact.  But I digress.  That is another whole story. One thing is sure; you would not even need the Centrum anymore.

My but I do go on ...but I am really excited about Alligin.

Helen Elias


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