This is a interesting conversation. Personally, it ammazes me that this situation has arisen.
Here are the facts, I anm 50 years old and have never suffered from any of the maladies associated with this issue. I guess because I handle and cook foods properly.
Do you really need another pill or additive to protect yourself? Or should you use the space between your ears and handle and cook your food properly. Also purchase domestically grown, cultivated and raised food products. Preferably from a local supplier in your area. If you ar ecity bound go to the local specialty shops, butchers, truck farmers, etc.
Make sure to wash your hands and your food before preparing.
I do not belive you need another cure in a bottle to protect the health of you and your family.
Oh, by the way there are many drawbacks to a vegetarian diet too. So is that really a remedy?
Shy away from folks that sensationlize rare instances, so thay can present a magical remedy. Who is packaging those remedies? Hmmmmmm