
Forum: My First Few Chapters From Reading The Go Giver

Description: I have learned that you have to give value to others in this business or else you are toast. You have to ask what is in for the prospect, NOT YOURSELF. The reason why you have to do this is because by asking questions you get to know your prospect. Do not ask questions out of the blue though, ask the questions based on what he meant not what he said. If you do not know what he meant ask. That way you may or may not have the solution. All you can do is just listen. Lawrenc Bergfeld
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Last Post 6/5/2013 10:20:51 AM
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Lawrence Bergfeld


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Thread Last Post Posts Views
Key To Success Is Building Rapport Or Else You Are Toast
6/5/2013 10:20:51 AM
1 866
One of my favorite books
10/9/2011 3:38:37 PM
2 962
This is all new to me
By A Z.
9/6/2011 5:59:46 AM
By A Z.
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You Are Invite
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