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Lawrence Bergfeld

381 Posts
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Key To Success Is Building Rapport Or Else You Are Toast
6/5/2013 10:20:51 AM
There is an old saying that the person who builds rapport gets the customer and/or the new business partner. How do you build rapport? You smile and listen to what the other person says. Make it about them. If you make it about you then you are toast! Find out what is going on in their lives. Ask questions. God gave you two ears and one mouth. Therefore listen twice as much as you talk.

Here is a part of Success In Ten Steps that will emphasize that.

"I have observed and analyzed a TON of network marketing businesses over the
last 26 years. And you know what?

Every single one of them that was NOT people-&-relationshipdriven,
no matter how good its products or services, no matter
how well-managed, has either gone broke or struggled to keep
its head above water.

And every "relationship-driven" business, no matter how inferior its products or
services and no matter how poorly-managed, was successful almost without fail." Excerpt From Success In Ten Steps By Michael Dlouhy

Lawrence Bergfeld

PS: Be A Mentor With A Servants Heart Lawrence Bergfeld 917-399-6207

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