
Forum: Feature Of The Week (Person Of The Week)!

Description: NO ADS! Once a week we will feature an active member of AdlandPro who has a positive influence on our community.
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Feature Of The Week (Person Of The Week)!
Thread Last Post Posts Views
It's Time To Congratulate PAULA FRYE, The 216th POTW!
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1/7/2010 9:06:56 PM
By John Partington.
25 1987
Nominations/Election WEEK Ending December 18th for the 217th POTW:
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1/2/2010 6:41:43 PM
35 3528
It's Time To Congratulate DAVE COTTRELL, The 214th POTW!
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12/18/2009 3:51:33 PM
37 4141
It's Time To Congratulate YVONNE TEI, the 215th POTW!
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12/17/2009 2:44:25 PM
14 549
Nominations/Election WEEK Ending December 11th for the 216th POTW:
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12/12/2009 12:33:02 AM
25 675
It's Time To Congratulate ANA MARIA PADUREAN, The 213th POTW!
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12/10/2009 11:04:15 AM
20 2900
Nominations/Election WEEK Endind December 4th for the 215th POTW:
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12/5/2009 12:34:16 AM
22 1953
Nominations/Election WEEK Ending August 18th for the 202nd POTW:
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12/1/2009 10:34:20 PM
40 4134
Nominations/Election WEEK Ending November 27th for the 214th POTW:
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11/29/2009 1:32:50 AM
31 1490
Nominations/Election WEEK Ending November 20th for the 213th POTW:
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11/25/2009 6:56:14 PM
35 1678
It's Time To Congratulate SAM HALL, The 212th POTW!
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11/23/2009 5:17:30 PM
By Carla Carey.
17 1142
It's Time To Congratulate SHIRLEY CARON, the 210th POTW!
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11/19/2009 4:09:15 PM
19 2498
Nominations/Election WEEK Ending November 13th for the 212th POTW:
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11/14/2009 12:33:26 AM
25 1279
Nominations/Election WEEK Ending November 6th for the 211th POTW:
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11/7/2009 1:14:40 AM
15 693
Nominations/Election WEEK Ending October 27th for the 210th POTW:
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10/30/2009 2:02:06 PM
22 970

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