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RE: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending December 18th for the 217th POTW:
12/24/2009 1:08:33 PM

Where is the link to nominate POTW #218?

Happy Holidays

In French: Joyeuses Fêtes!

In Spanish: Felices Fiestas!

In Swedish: Trevlig Helg!

In Portuguese: Boas Festas!

In Turkish: Mutlu Bayramlar!

In Romanian: Sarbatori Fericite!

In Mandarin: Jie Ri Yu Kuai

In Catalan: Bones Festes!

In Japanese: Tanoshii kurisumasu wo! (Have a happy Christmas)

In Italian: Buone Feste!

In South African (Xhose): Ii holide eximnandi

In German: Forhe Feiertage

In Dutch: Prettige feestdagen

In Hawaiian: Hau'oli Lanui (pronounced how-oh-lay la-new-ee)

In Gaelic: Beannachtaí na Féile

In Slovenian: Vesele Praznike

In Indonesian: Selamat Hari Raya!

In Croatian: Sretni praznici!

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RE: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending December 18th for the 217th POTW:
12/28/2009 2:15:59 AM

Okay Kathy i just viewed the Celtic woman singing

....OMG! LOL My ears will be resounding all this week with dreams Kathy..

what are you doing to me! lol

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RE: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending December 18th for the 217th POTW:
12/28/2009 1:10:34 PM

Here are my choices

Mary Bird

Linda Miller

Marisol Sosa

Mattias Kroon

Ted Kusie

Terri Pattio

Bill Brown

Have a great New year folks.


RE: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending December 18th for the 217th POTW:
12/30/2009 2:52:24 PM
Everyone deserves a break during the holidays for all of their hard work throughout the year, so I'm thinking this will resume next week? May 2010 be prosperous & happy for all of us. Steve
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RE: Nominations/Election WEEK Ending December 18th for the 217th POTW:
12/31/2009 4:37:02 AM
Hey, Jan!

We were done! I haven't even been in here since Dec. 18th! The next thing we're doing is the big POTY...PEOPLE of the YEAR sometime in January!

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