
Forum: Everything is Open for Discussion - Let's Talk in the Kitchen

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Jim Allen


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Thread Last Post Posts Views
103 Political Threads Here! Great discussion happening here
10/29/2008 12:37:00 PM
4 139
Barack Obama - Kenya - Odinga - Obama Nation
10/28/2008 8:16:13 PM
1 89
Plagiarist Joe Biden was reacquainted with that brutal truth last week
10/28/2008 12:51:18 PM
1 118
One man sacrificed for his country. One man opposed a flawed strategy in Iraq. One man had the courage to call for change. One man didn't play politics with the truth. One man stands up to the special interests.
10/28/2008 11:35:23 AM
1 106
Do want someone deciding your position in life based on a statistical scale or would you rather decide for yourself what makes you happy as your career and life direction?
Page: 1, 2
10/28/2008 12:46:16 AM
10 311
Things to ponder before we vote.
Page: 1, 2
10/27/2008 10:30:17 PM
6 325
Let's Become Activists Please do the following
10/27/2008 8:40:08 PM
5 166
2008 is the year that journalism died
10/27/2008 4:20:59 PM
3 126
Don't Drink the KOOL-AID it is laced with Obamanation - Zombieism is a choice
10/27/2008 10:18:02 AM
3 130
From Sir Thomas Richmond - Disciple or fool?
Page: 1, 2, 3
10/26/2008 8:25:30 PM
12 405
Obama and Ayers Pushed Radicalism On Schools
10/25/2008 5:46:38 PM
4 285
Seven Ways to "Obama-Proof" Your Portfolio
10/25/2008 2:29:31 PM
4 174
Anyone here still like humor? Maybe? Obama went duck hunting in Alaska
Page: 1, 2
10/24/2008 11:15:10 PM
10 304
10/24/2008 10:54:52 PM
2 74
Have you VOTED Yet! No Obama in this Election
10/24/2008 9:44:58 AM
1 67

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