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Jim Allen

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Do want someone deciding your position in life based on a statistical scale or would you rather decide for yourself what makes you happy as your career and life direction?
10/25/2008 3:32:53 PM

Do want someone deciding your position in life based on a statistical scale or would you rather decide for yourself what makes you happy as your career and life direction?


Hopefully folks will actually research and find the facts and draw conclusions based on fact and not hatred towards BUSH.  If you are voting for Obama because you are anti-Bush, then please pay attention.  McCain is not Bush and Obama is no messiah or messenger of truth.  He is another Slick-Willy if you will, only very neoliberal that hates America. 

You believe there is disparity now and you blame the Republicans for the financial problems of the world.  Then you have not really looked further into the facts.  We all want some change of direction. 

But I for one don't need someone Else's wealth to be happy. 

Personally, I am quite wealthy in many ways.

Monetary wealth has escaped me but I have wealth in my family, friends and the freedoms I have as a proud American. 

I pray that this country still believes in true personal choice and real freedom as guaranteed me under the Constitution and The Bill of Rights.  

We may not be the perfect place in the world, but as I speak to many in the world.  I do know we have what Everyone else desires or dreams to be.  The examples good and bad are seen everywhere on the globe.

Americans have been benefactors to the world for 232 years and in my personal opinion is the best place to be in this world. 

It is my home, I have known no other, my roots and convictions are deep and I agree change is needed.  We have swung too far to the right and have become imperialistic. 

This election offers us choices.  Do we swing back to the middle where the prosperity, peace and opportunity reside. 

Or do we throw away all we know and swing to the far left.  Of which we know models America as a Socialist State that decides from kindergarten to career, what is best for you, by the State?  Your choice is that simple. 

My personal research and brings me to ask everyone this one question.  Your answer will tell you who to vote for.  Obama's record is 143 days long in senate, has already taken more contributions than any other except Dodd from Fannie and Freddie and I mean lots, he hired the form chairman of Freddie and Fannie on his campaign staff and his VP search committee, he has yet to provide proof of his citizenship.  Something that all Presidential candidates MUST DO.  He spent 20 years in Jeremiah Wrights church and denounced him when he decided to seek to be President.  He colludes with known terrorists, and other far left wing neo-liberals.  He doesn't even fit a liberals standard he characterized as neo-liberal, which basically means even true liberals are afraid of what his leanings are.  His tactics and history have proven he is willing to take this country towards, socialism. marxism or even worse communism. 

All failed the people that were taken advantage of during a time when change was necessary.  Going from one extreme to another is not the answer.  Such a change in an individual would mark that person as odd, insane, or mentally unstable at the very least and often times criminal.  A change in environment this extreme would be unlivable.  Common sense tells us that extreme changes are just as devastating and destructive as the other. 

Do want someone deciding your position in life based on a statistical scale or would you rather decide for yourself what makes you happy as your career and life direction?

I choose to have a choice for myself and I hope you choose choice as well, for a change.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Beverly Kersey

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Re: Do want someone deciding your position in life based on a statistical scale or would you rather decide for yourself what makes you happy as your career and life direction?
10/25/2008 4:25:48 PM


I am praying daily for this election. It is I feel the most important Presidential Election we have ever had. Everyone should make sure that their heart and their mind is in agreement, when they push that button. I choose for what is best for my children and grandchildren and their future.

Peace dove and earth ornament clip art, Peace on Earth word art Christmas graphic

Beverly Kersey
Steven Suchar

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Re: Do want someone deciding your position in life based on a statistical scale or would you rather decide for yourself what makes you happy as your career and life direction?
10/25/2008 5:37:39 PM
Thank You Brother Jim :)

Go for it now...the future is promised to no one
~ Wayne Dyer ~
Re: Do want someone deciding your position in life based on a statistical scale or would you rather decide for yourself what makes you happy as your career and life direction?
10/25/2008 8:05:45 PM


If Obummaaa is elected, and the Democrats gain control of the Senate and Congress, then begin appointing liberal judges, we are going to have a very serious problem.  The NEA will have a heyday.  Did you read where the California retirement program donated 1 M of the teachers retirement money to defeate the propositon # 8.  This was done with out consulting the teachers.  Now I wonder why they would do this?  Is it because there a lot of alternative lifestyle people in control?

Here is an article that may be of interest to some of the members.

Student Cross Art Project OK in Public School


Angela from Kansas contacted us regarding her son’s 5th grade public school class. The teacher instructed the students to draw a picture of their choice. After Angela’s son drew a picture of a cross, the teacher told him that he was not allowed to draw a cross in a public school.


We sent Angela a letter specific to her situation that explained that student assignments that include religious expression must be assessed on the basis of neutral academic criteria (i.e., suitability for the grade level, quality of the work) and cannot be rejected solely because they are religious. We cited Supreme Court cases recognizing students’ free speech rights as well as the following U.S. Department of Education Guideline:


Religious Expression and Prayer in Class Assignments


Students may express their beliefs about religion in homework, artwork, and other written and oral assignments free from discrimination based on the religious content of their submissions. Such home and classroom work should be judged by ordinary academic standards of substance and relevance and against other legitimate pedagogical concerns identified by the school. Thus, if a teacher’s assignment involves writing a poem, the work of a student who submits a poem in the form of a prayer (for example, a psalm) should be judged on the basis of academic standards (such as literary quality) and neither penalized nor rewarded on account of its religious content.


Angela shared our letter with the principal and then sent us the following e-mail: “I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your help with our situation. After a brief telephone discussion, the principal agreed with me and had a stern discussion with the art teacher. Bottom line, the art teacher will allow the cross in the assignment in the public school. Thank you again for what you are doing.”


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Jim Allen

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Re: Do want someone deciding your position in life based on a statistical scale or would you rather decide for yourself what makes you happy as your career and life direction?
10/25/2008 11:02:17 PM

Hey James,

I recently had a similar situation with my 17 year old's shop teacher.  The assignment was to blueprint what they were going to build in shop class.  My son drew an elaborate design for a cross he was going to make as a gift for his mom.  His shop teacher told him he couldn't.  Cody, turned in his design anyway and refused to do another one.  The teacher called me (BIG MISTAKE).  I asked the teacher if he liked his job and explained what was about to occur.  Cody, received an A on his assignment.  ;-)

Thanks for your input and efforts in educating us all.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success
