
Forum: Scams Watchdog

Description: I am the webmaster for the Scams Watchdog Website. I would like to get an active forum going on this to help with fresh content for my site.
Members 15
Topics 10
Posts 32
Last Post 9/11/2007 4:22:10 PM
Favourites 0
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Thread Last Post Posts Views
Page: 1, 2
9/11/2007 11:52:16 PM
By .
6 2185
Bad dealings with MYDOLLARSHOP.COM
By .
9/11/2007 11:52:09 PM
By .
1 854
"Please Read" Spam and Virus
8/27/2007 9:14:31 AM
1 940
8/11/2007 8:27:33 PM
2 1025
Here is a scam I fell for a few days ago.
8/2/2007 10:02:12 PM
1 999
$10 Signup Bonus, Scams Watchdog is researching it now.
7/30/2007 12:36:59 AM
5 1215
Introduction from Scams Watchdog
Page: 1, 2
6/20/2007 10:14:31 PM
By Joyce Sanders.
7 2514
Another Email Scam...
6/18/2007 11:01:38 AM
1 981
HEADS UP; Possible and Probable new scam....
5/9/2007 10:08:59 PM
1 959
Please join my new forum about Scams...
Page: 1, 2
5/1/2007 10:44:31 PM
7 2503

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