
Who is Kristine Tadich?

Kristine Tadich

Kristine Tadich
Member SinceFriday, September 30, 2005
Last ActivityWednesday, May 6, 2020
LocationNorristown, Pennsylvania, United States United States
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About Me
About Me

I am a wife and a Mom to 8 children. Yes, I said 8 and before you ask, "What are you, Crazy"?

the answer is no. I have loved every minute of it and would of had more, but like you, my husband said, "What are you, Crazy!" I guess I had to settle on waiting for grandchildren. LOL

I am an active reader and always looking to learn new things. I work out 3 times a week with a personal trainer when possible, and keep up on the newest Nutritional/Natural supplements and foods to keep myself , family and friends in peak physical condition so that we are able to enjoy the life we were meant to live.

I enjoy quilting, scrapbooking, horsebackriding , reading anything with value, cooking, good music, fine wine and vacations in the sun. Most of all ...I enjoy my husband and children!

I enjoy talking with everyone and sharing what I have learned over the years from teething babies to building a business once and building it right.

To anyone who knows me, they know how passionate I am about health, which includes proper nutrition, exercise, proper rest and absolutely how to have fun! I spend alot of my time researching new supplements, proteins, etc. The old adage "you are what you eat" is alot truer than you may think! Proper proportions of protiens, carbs and fats are a must if you want to be vibrantly my youngest son says, who is a Nationally ranked youth need to eat right to be "a lean mean fighting machine"! You MUST have the right formulas for your body to compete at optimal levels, whether your an athlete, a stay at home Mom, a business professional or anyone of the numerous positions we have in life. Foods in the right combination will keep you from the afternoon "burn and crash" the late night "munchies" the continual pick-up of every "bug" going around. It all comes down to keeping your insulin levels in check. Not too high..this causes death to cells and you die..not too low..this gets you fat and keeps you fat, which of course in turn causes ALL kinds of unwanted health conditions!

Plus you need to take the right supplements for your body and I am not talking about your one-a-day..those are a waste of time and money and may be causing your body more harm than good!

If your looking for ways to get yourself and your family and friends healthier, cut your body fat, increase your energy level, and rice cakes and tofu just don't do it for you (me either..yuck!) email me and let's talk. Let's get and stay healthy together!

Why is this So Good that it has earned a US Patent?

A liquid nutrional for 1/3 the price of the others yet just as good. Why spend extra when you don't have to.

Gourmet Candles make fabulous gifts!

Advertising on backsides worldwide!

"Drive" business to your website.

bHIP Energy...A New Breed of Energy..."Herbal Clean Energy"!

As consumers are becoming more aware about the side-effects of certain ingrediants mixed together in energy drinks on the market today, we have created the first truly healthy energy drink! An energy drink that feeds the body, that you feel in minutes...and lasts for hours!

If your seeking a convienient all natural method to enhance energy, performance, vitality and mental clarity...bHIP Energy is your answer.

No more coffee, Monster or Red Bulls for me!!!

Some people cannot see a good thing when it is right here, right now.

Others can sense a good thing coming when it is days, months, or miles away.

inspired by Maya Angelou

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Soner Isik - (1/17/2011 9:27:50 PM) :
Soner Isik - (1/10/2011 11:36:49 PM) :
Iacovino Rosario - (12/8/2010 9:00:12 AM) : L'opportunità Siamo ora in pre-lancio in Malesia e Singapore e si ha la uniq opportunità ue di registrazione prima del nostro lancio ufficiale. Una introduzione a questa sorprendente "app" e di opportunità, si terrà a Kuala Lumpur il 28, 29 ...e 30 Gennaio 2011. Q
Ralph White - (4/12/2010 5:35:00 PM) : Hello fellow member. Hope you have a great day!!
Richard McGinnis - (11/12/2009 1:40:20 AM) : Hi, just looking to network with other business people.Would love to hear any successful ways that you advertise and market your business, and of course I will surely share any with you that I come across. To everyone's success online.Rick Mcginnis 218-6755ps me and my wife had 6 kids and now 17 grandkid and counting
Paul Mcgregor - (2/22/2008 10:25:06 AM) : hi

read your information very good I noticed you are interested in health and beauty as all women are so here some magic for you below. and goo health to you
Gunther G. - (1/20/2008 7:57:15 AM) : Kristine. EXCELLENT profile that reflects YOU (the person) very well. I hope you will accept my invitation to become friends.

Consider yourself "tagged" as per my Friend to Friend for Friends forum.
Joelees Wholesale - (6/13/2007 6:07:39 PM) : Hi Kristine,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee
Pascal Lauwers - (10/10/2006 12:15:49 PM) : a nice lady to talk with about any thing in life
Tuxuyen Thitruong - (10/10/2006 2:56:42 AM) : INTRODUCTION

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From July 1st 2006. We'll open the program of popular sales promotion and advantage for 5000 persons & domestic - oversea enterprises
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the new product (or news) within editing. In the period of experiment, Our management board expect all the ideas of persons & enterprises
for our website to be more abundant.

the help :


This is a e-commerce website of high-quality electronic products of Vietnamese, please fill out and send us, we will connect to and answer
by email for you, all free :

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