
Who is Patti Warner?

Patti Warner

Patti Warner
BirthdayWednesday, May 3, 1967
Member SinceMonday, July 11, 2005
Last ActivityFriday, January 29, 2010
LocationOswego, New York, United States United States
About Me
About Me

I am your average Jack of all trades master of none.  Trying to get something going at home where I can sit back and enjoy life!  I want to help other newbies just starting out. I have finally found a niche and want to help other people be as profitable as I am.


My Interests
My Interests (2)
Industries: Bizopp, Investing
Comments (2)
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James Wright - (10/22/2006 1:47:04 PM) : Hey Patti, I'm not a newby, but I'd be happy to know what's working for you! Jim

You are most welcome Patti! Thank you very much for taking the time to share this important info. I was wondering if you have a website of your own we could do a link exchange?
Patti Warner - (10/22/2006 1:47:04 PM) : working with Pro Wealth Solution is new to me but what it is is traffic, the more traffic you get to your site the better chances you have of expanding your downline and powerlines, I use the major traffic exchanges ts25, traffic swarm, and here adland pro. I can easily show people the downline I am creating by updating my stats everyday (These are true stats not made up) also I have created a blog at and i use that as an alternative, when I see traffic slowing down I then go to free classified sites as well as low cost ads in hometown paper most are base rates. you can create additional incomes with the blog through google and get extra traffic credits for your classified ads here by becoming an affiliate and adding the code to your blog site. These are all my basics I turn to safelists and emailers as last resort. there is a free site called that also helps. I hope any info I can give you will help you in every way! Thanks for the rating Patti


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