
Who is Otis Williams?

Otis Williams

Otis Williams
BirthdayTuesday, December 22, 1942
Member SinceSunday, December 18, 2005
Last ActivitySaturday, April 12, 2008
LocationChicago, Illinois, United States United States
About Me
About Me


My name is Otis J.Williams.  I am 62 years of age.  I have two sons in whom I love very much.  Haven't been as good of a father as I would like to have been, but theyknow that I love them very much. 


I started off as a teacher, a basketball coach, a project facilitator, an educator and finally an enterpreneur.  Taught grammar and highschool in the Parochial School System as well as the Chicago Public School System.


Worked for the U.S. Government for four (4) years as an Employee Development Specialist for the eastern region of the United States.


Today, I am the CEO of a small community base organization trying tohelp the socially liable of our communities.  I have committed the remainder of my life in this effort.  The almighty has seen fit to provide me with reasonably good health to finish the job that I have started and that he wants me todo.


I come to you now, humbly asking for your aid and assistance. I am asking youtocontact your friends to help me and my friends to achieve what needs to be done.  "To whom much as been given, much is expected."  The almighty has given each of us within the internet much.  There are many more who have nothing.  You and I both see them everyday.


We are not a ripoff agency.  You can write us, or call us anytime day or night to check and see that we are real.  Youcan see the work that we do.  We are willing to send you a free copy of our newsletter tokeep you abreast of what we are doing.


The Almighty has brought you to me this day. 


Help me if you can.


Whatever you do, we, me and my friends appreciate you.


May the Almighty keep and bless you and your family.


In the interim, if you want to contact me, don't hesitate to call (773-721-3533) or email me at


Otis J. Williams

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Paul Falardeau - (12/22/2005 5:15:13 PM) : It's great to have you on my friend list.
Here's to your success,

Paul Falardeau

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