
Who is Nicole Pritchett?

Nicole Pritchett

Nicole Pritchett
BirthdayMonday, September 20, 1982
Member SinceFriday, September 30, 2005
Last ActivityTuesday, June 27, 2006
LocationSutherlin, Oregon, United States United States
About Me
About Me

I am happily married with a six year old son. My passion for life stems from my continued faith in our Heavenly father. Without him I can't begin to explain where I would probably be at this point in time. I have by no means lived a sheltered life. For my age, I've seen a lot and learned from it all. My husband works in a mill and my son started 1st grade this year.

I took an interest in breeding pitbulls (or American Staffordshire Terriers - the less common term) after I purchased a great male and female puppy from two different breeders and learned that so many people were discriminatory towards the breed. My goal became to help inform and protect the breed as well as to promote the "new image". If you read this introductory note about me and want to visit a forum I created please see my forum. It may change the way you think about pitbulls. I could go on forever about my dislikes and likes, but I choose to believe that you have better things to do with your time. Thanks for reading this much. ~Nicole Pritchett

My Interests
My Interests (4)
Interests: Investing, Homemaking
Industries: Marketing, Investing
Comments (14)
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Forums (3)
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Ed Alvarez - (12/25/2005 1:51:49 PM) : Nicole demonstrates maturity and perspective way beyond her years. She is exactly the type of person I was hoping to be able to find and interact with when I joined Adland Pro.
Nicole Pritchett - (12/25/2005 1:51:49 PM) : Wow!!!

Coming from you Ed...that means a lot to me!
I'm totally blushing.
The feelings are very mutual and I look forward to our friendship taking us to success together.

Talk to you soon,
~Nicole Pritchett
David Ellison - (12/21/2005 7:30:00 PM) : Hi Nicole :-) I rate you a 10+ not only for your site but for being a great person
Nicole Pritchett - (12/21/2005 7:30:00 PM) : Thanks David!

I am greatful for your exuberance and faith.
Your superb personality is a encouragement to us all!

I rate you a 10+ as well!
~Nicole Pritchett
Nathan Services Inc - (12/8/2005 3:55:47 PM) : nicole looks very healthy and happy, as well as a beautiful christian woman,...we need more people like her on the internet and in the world today
Nicole Pritchett - (12/8/2005 3:55:47 PM) : Thanks Nathan!

Your compliments are astounding!
My health is very important to me and I have found my happiness in our amazingly awesome father above.
Thanks so much for rating me in such a nice way. I think the internet and the world needs more people like you as well.

~Nicole Pritchett
Janice& Gary Hawkins - (12/7/2005 4:33:10 PM) : Greetings Nicole Prichett,

wE just left your website and found it it to be fresh and orginal so we rated it a 10 out of 10. We welcome you to the community and if we can ever be of any assistance please let us know okay? We wish you better health and more successes and smaller fuel bills for all your vehicles, respectfully, your new friends here in Idaho, Gary and Janice Hawkins.
Nicole Pritchett - (12/7/2005 4:33:10 PM) : Thanks Gary and Janice!

What a blessing our health is! Wealth is nice but without our health we can't enjoy it. So thankyou for that wish and smaller fuel bills are always great. Luckily I have a very fuel effecient vehicle.

God Bless you both.
~Nicole Pritchett
Paul Falardeau - (12/6/2005 9:17:03 PM) : It's great to have you on my friend list.
Here's to your success,

Paul Falardeau

Check out the hottest business opportunity on the internet today.
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Nicole Pritchett - (12/6/2005 9:17:03 PM) : Thanks Paul,

It's great to have you on my friends list too!
I hope your success overflows beyond your expectance as well.

~Nicole Pritchett


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