
Who is Carrie Jones?

Carrie Jones

Carrie Jones
Member SinceThursday, September 22, 2005
Last ActivityWednesday, February 6, 2008
LocationMarietta, Georgia, United States United States
About Me
About Me

Ms. Jones began her media career 17 years ago developing shows for Fortune 500 companies, which allowed them an opportunity to air their new technology, flag ship products or services on Discovery. She has a diverse background from ownership for 12 years in her Distributor Marketing business to producing national television programs on Fox, HBO, and Discovery, infomercials, commercials, reality shows and documentaries.  Her creative approach and enthusiasm, knowledge of production, marketing and team spirit has helped grow “The Way of Martial Arts” global appeal.  Carrie marketed for TVA Productions, the leading media production and news placement syndicate in North America, which uniquely produce highly effective promotional media and news features for TV, Radio, and print, distributed to over 20,000 media outlets.   Carrie was executive producer with Kime Productions, Inc and a managing partner with Image Blitz Entertainment, LLC and is a consultant to ASR Pro Events, which supplies event services and backline for live entertainment.  Carrie now owns and opperates Alchemy 8 Entertainment, which is an independent consulting and finance company that uniquely blends media financing through the means of traditional and non-traditional channels in order to raise funds for production and distribution for independent production companies. By bundling several qualified media projects (any combination of films, TV, Live Events and Music projects) into an investment package the investment risk is lessened with the potential for greater return. To develop the media package, Alchemy 8 Entertainment reviews projects with strong marketing and media buying potential that are ready for production.

As a Wellness Consultant, I find great pleasure in educating people about the new science of Glycobiology and Glyconutrients for the quality of all life.  You might have read in the last several years that the Medical community is accepting these new findings and starting to teach to the new doctors that are up and coming.  I strongly urge everyone to do their own research and see how incorporating these glyconutrients which are needed for Optimal Health can improve your quality of life..  E-mail me and I will be happy to guide you to all the resourceful information that is on the web.  Check out the Health Theater at


As a Heath and Wellness consultant I direct you to Rejuvenate Your Life web site at http://www.rejuvenate-your-life  to read all the articles that can create Harmony and Balance in your life.  Another great site to check out is:


As a internet marketer I search for quality programs that I can share with others so they can achieve financial freedom!  If you are looking to raise capital for your business visit:   You might also check out Cash Generator at:


If we all work as ONE we all are ONE!


To your Health, Happiness, and Harmony in life!

Teamwork can make the Dreamwork!



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Bill Long - (6/29/2007 4:34:29 PM) : I just love your picture! Thanks for sharing!
Masud Selim - (11/4/2006 8:42:24 PM) : Hello Carrie

how are you today .
You gotta so many friends on your way .
I like to rate you because two reasons : one is making money online & other one is Travelling .
Could you pls trouble to invest couple of minitues for me sothat we both 'll be benefited .

can you do it Just click the link :
(Right-Click and Copy Shortcut to copy the link)

would like to highly appreciate for your nice effort .

thanks Again/
Masud Selim
Seoul - RoK
CP # 821092941971
Paul Falardeau - (11/29/2005 9:09:31 AM) : It's great to have you on my friend list. Here's to your success.
Carrie Jones - (11/29/2005 9:09:31 AM) : It is my pleasure to have you as a friend also. To your success also!

Dr David King - (11/29/2005 8:07:34 AM) : I wanted to stop by and add a bright moment to your day.

I wanted to rate you 100 however 10x10 will have to do.

Your Statement under your picture is so true women are in my opinion the strength of the Earth for all the awesome things that they have and do go through.

With Warm Regards
Dr King
Carrie Jones - (11/29/2005 8:07:34 AM) : Dear Dr. King:

Thank you for the nice compliments. Women are strong and powerful with the right support.

Thanks again for the rating.


Carrie Jones
Alan Hepworth - (10/10/2005 5:18:00 PM) : I have listened to the links on Carries site and am very impressed with her beauty and also her knolege and help in the Glyco Field ,I hope Carrie will send me some details to my e-mail and become a friend and advisor for my future health , I live in Manchester UK ,,

Many Kind Regards ,,Alan
Carrie Jones - (10/10/2005 5:18:00 PM) : Alan:

Thank you for the nice compliments that put on the rating page. If you would like more information about Glyconutrients you can e-mail me personally and I can send you to many educational sites that will help educate you so you can take the responsibility for your health like I did.

I tribute my health and vitality to taking my health into my own hands early on in life. I did not depend on the Medical Community to solve my health issues.

I look forward in chatting with you in the future about glyconutrients.


Carrie Jones


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