
Who is Christopher Phillips?

Christopher Phillips

Christopher Phillips
Member SinceTuesday, October 11, 2005
Last ActivityMonday, January 26, 2009
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About Me
About Me

I was born in Trinidad - now the smallest nation to ever qualify for the World Cup in 2006. I am a practicing Catholic and I very much believe in Jesus Christ and in His power to transform our lives. I am an IT Professional with a passion to be successful and financially FREE. I am also a web master and have built a number of sites both for myself and for individuals as well as companies.  Some of the sites I have built include:

I believe that it is very possible to earn a very luctative income via the internet and this is what I am doing.


I almost forgot to mention that I am also a musician.  This is in fact my passion. I started out singing and playing the guitar at church.  I am now learning the keyboard - and I hope to master this - and I am pretty good on the drums as well.  I love music that is uplifting - especially those that tell of the love of God for us.  I have also written quite a lot of Christian songs as well. I am in the process of trying to score my music to hopefully do a recording someday.


Well - that's it for me - at least for now. If you want to find out more about me and what I do etc, I'd love hearing from you via email or telephone.  If you do choose to contact me via email, please put the subject as "ADLANDPRO FRIEND".  I receive lots of emails every day - lots of junk too - and I would not want to miss yours.  I would like to wish you all the best in your undertakings.


God Bless You.

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Cheryl Maples - (8/1/2011 6:13:07 AM) : Happy Birthday, Christopher! Enjoy your special day! Cheryl
Cheryl Maples - (8/1/2010 5:10:13 AM) : Happy Birthday, Christopher! Have a great day! Cheryl
Karen Carcel - (9/3/2006 3:40:27 AM) : savesu

I cured my self so I new Icould cure every body else. Suggest to you watching the, where I bought a million Shares in prime time productions, maybe you have not heard of them.I also suggest that you check out the following websites for your perusal. Unless you are frightened something nice might just happen to,,

Don't you think you owe this knowledge to your children or are you Happy to see the government keep poisoning you for a billion dollar Industry of prescription drugs meant to kill if you are happy with this take no Notice because how you sleep at night with this knowledge is beyond My imagination I have enclosed my poem which is being published.

DESIRE@Karen Carcel

Desire is the serum of the soul secreted to the universe in thought
Binding the energies of creation form given genesis in one new Image.
I am, I am what I will I will what I believe I believe what I Accept
I accept what I love I love what I am I am.

Have a nice day

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Natural Cures
Health Science Institute

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Robert Spencer - (2/9/2006 10:57:13 AM) : Hi Robert here, you are a interresting
person you seem to be doing well so keep up the good work.
Walter Seward - (2/8/2006 5:40:58 AM) : Christopher

I appreciated your Bio
and your talents as a Christian.

We are working with a company whose leadership have integrity and honesty and keep giving and giving to us.

visit us at

Yes, we have distributors in the Carribean.

your frinds

Joy and Walter
CORBETT MARKETING COMPANY - (1/22/2006 9:35:48 AM) : Your posted link to your site does not work !!!!
Nola Thornhill - (1/21/2006 10:30:26 AM) : Your marketing is very good
Paul Falardeau - (11/29/2005 9:22:56 AM) : It's great to have you on my friend list. Here's to your success.
Lee Talmadge - (11/10/2005 9:39:20 PM) : Hi Chris,
Thank You for your friendship,we are honored to have you as part of adland family.I hope you find adland as enjoyable and helpful as I have.I wish you success in all you do :-) Lee
Walter Thomas Jr - (11/6/2005 5:43:29 PM) : Hi Christopher, can you tell me more about your Credit Card Venture; Is this an Affiliate program, or is this a Business?


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