
Who is Ellen Brucks?

Ellen Brucks

Ellen Brucks
BirthdayMonday, April 10, 1933
Member SinceWednesday, April 5, 2006
Last ActivityThursday, May 13, 2010
LocationWilliams Lake, British Columbia, Canada Canada
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About Me
About Me

I have lived most of my (long) life in the country, particularly

in areas where my husband worked in the forest industry.

I have been an book keeper and secretary and love to draw

and paint.  I keep very busy so am finding learning the computer

and internet  marketing very much a new and  sometimes comples

adventure.  We live close to oour ttwo children and 3 grandchildren

so am able to  enjoy them to the fullest.  Hope I can navigate the

program here and keep up with all the new friends.  Ellen

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James Wright - (4/17/2006 1:05:53 AM) : Country living is the best! Take Care, Jim


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