
Who is Larry Anderson?

Larry Anderson

Larry Anderson
BirthdaySunday, July 1, 1945
Member SinceTuesday, October 11, 2005
Last ActivitySunday, November 23, 2008
LocationEstherville, Iowa, United States United States
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me

I am a forced retired over the road truck driver who's had 2 heart attacks

I live payday to payday and that's why I started my online store so I can have a little extra money each month


I love being on the computer chatting (no chat rooms) with friends,


Since my wife passed away, the only thing I have is a toy standard poodle whose name is wannabe (if you want to know how that name came about please email me) and the same with my user name, Sorry but I can not change user name


My Interests
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Larry Anderson - (10/17/2006 6:21:08 PM) : Hi Carl
Thank you
The future of success is out there
you just have to know where to look
Christy Egbert - (8/7/2006 9:26:02 AM) : You are an interesting individual.
You must be a real fun person to be around.
Your forums are a blast.
Larry Anderson - (8/7/2006 9:26:02 AM) : Hi Christy
Thank you for the rating and most of the time I am fun to be around
about all I have left anymore is making people laugh and giving a bit of history out in my weird fact forum
thanks for enjoying them
Lisa Westberry - (6/23/2006 10:24:07 AM) : Hello Larry,

Just stopping by to let you know that your spirit here and friendship to others has made a great impact to the community.
We all love your humor and personality.
Keep up the great work.

Enjoy the Spotlight!

Warmest Regards,
Larry Anderson - (6/23/2006 10:24:07 AM) : Hi Lisa
Thank you very much
Humor is like an apple a day-keeps you in great spirits

and besides when you are working and you remember the joke and start laughing at work, people wonder why you are happy and they aren't
Sam Sugden - (4/6/2006 11:15:46 AM) : larry is a great guy,he keps us smiling and laughting all the time...
Larry Anderson - (4/6/2006 11:15:46 AM) : Hi Sammy
thank you very much
I try to do that but sometimes it don't work and Then I have a lousy day
Donna Zuehl - (3/22/2006 3:39:50 PM) : Good sense of humor, cares about his friends, takes time to research material for his forums. I enjoy his posts.
Larry Anderson - (3/22/2006 3:39:50 PM) : Hi DonnaZ
thank you very much
I try to research when it warrants it
and yes I do care about my friends
Lee Talmadge - (3/21/2006 2:47:35 PM) : Hi Larry,
I Thank You for your friendship,I hope you are finding adland as enjoyable and helpful as I have.I wish you success in all you do :-) Lee


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